Chapter Eight: Not Alone In This Universe

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Music is "Thor Score Suite" by Patrick Doyle.

Picture is Imogen Poots as Queen Sigyn.

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"Once, mankind accepted a simple truth: That they were not alone in this universe."

- Odin Allfather

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Asgard is a place that I've always wanted to visit. From the movies, to the comics, to the mythos, the Realm Eternal has a signifigant fasination in my mind. It's no less certain today, the day I finally get to go through the Bifrost with the thunder god himself.

It's different than I expected. I thought that it would be like my transporting abilities. One second, I'd be in the mountains above Sokovia; the next, I'd be in Asgard. That's not the case. We see galaxies, nebulae, planets fly by in flashes of light. We even see a large skull just floating in the void.

And then it stops just as sudden as it started. The colors fade, and we're thrown back into gravity's grasp. Pietro, Thor, Sif, and I stand at the gates to Asgard, Heimdall before us. He smiles softly at us all, a welcoming look on his dark features. "Welcome, travellers. I hope the ride was not too troublesome."

I look back through the Bifrost as the trail we came from disappears. I blink my eyes swiftly, trying to come to terms with what I've just seen. "Whoa. That was..."

"Awesome," Pietro interjects with a smile. "We have to do that again."

I turn to look down at my feet, seeing the design that the Bifrost leaves on Earth melted into the Bifrost on Asgard's end. "That's not natural."

Thor smiles at my husband. "That can be arranged, as can a tour of Asgard, if you wish. As for the ground of the Bifrost, that is why you are here."

"But for now," Sif states, "we must bring you to the Queen. She wishes to see you."

"Queen Sigyn?"

Sif nods with a smile. "Yes, Loki's bride. She began her rule after the demise of Hela."

"I know. Thor told us a few years back." I turn to Heimdall and nod. "Thank you for the use of the Bifrost, Heimdall."

Heimdall nods towards Pietro and I, a silent "You're welcome." He moves his attention towards Thor. "Your brother also wished to see you upon your return. He said he would be in your mother's library."

Thor nods, turning to us. "The tour will have to be savoured later, then. I will escort you to the Queen, then I will speak with Loki." He waves his hand as he begins to walk from the Bifrost and onto the Rainbow Bridge. "Come! Let your eyes feast on the beauty of Asgard."

With great excitement and a smile between us, Pietro and I follow the two Asgardians across the Rainbow Bridge, taking in the spendor of the Realm Eternal. Gold is everywhere. There are floating buildings, and rivers that seem to flow from nowhere. Ships fly overhead, lead by flying animals of which I've never seen before. I see the Aesir of Asgard doing what they know best. Some are battling, some are singing, some are teaching. This city is filled with glorious wonder of which my Earthly eyes have yet to see until today.

We come closer to the large castle in the center, and I turn to Thor in front of us. "Asgard is even more beautiful than I thought."

Thor turns over his shoulder to give me a smile. "I thought you would appreciate it, Lady Glory."

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