Chapter Twenty-Six: Great Possibilities Are Right In Front Of Us

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Music is "The Fastest Man Alive" by Blake Neely from CW's The Flash OST, remixed by Jorah the Andal.

Picture is Emmy Rossum as Trillium Penrose.

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"Sometimes great possibilities are right in front of us, and we don't see them because we choose not to."

- Barry Allen, The Flash

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WARNING: This chapter has spoilers from the end of Season 1 of CW's The Flash. I will put markers in the chapter to alert when they start and end.

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When the mysterious girl's deep brown eyes open, she freezes in mid-step. Her face is full of shock. ""

Aspen sighs, face palming. "This is my little sister, Trillium Penrose. Tril, this is a visitor from Earth-616."

Trillium Penrose starts to laugh awkwardly, pushing her headphones of her head to rest around her neck. "That's so weird, 'cause you look just like her old girlfriend!"

"Her name is Glory Maximoff, and she knows, Tril. No need to be rude," Aspen chastises her little sister.

I point back and forth between the two sisters. "You have a little sister?"

Trillium crosses her arms, raising a dark eyebrow. "Obviously, I'm here."

"No, I don't mean to be rude, but where I come from, you were an only child."

"Lucky her."


"I'm just teasing, little sis. I thought you weren't coming in today, though. Why are you here?"

She pulls up her phone and shows a red, flashing symbol. "Metahuman alert app. Cisco set mine off, so I figured something must've happened. I guess I was right." She laughs to herself again.

"Why don't you have your crutch with you, Tril?" Aspen asks, eying the slight limp with which Trillium walks.

The younger Penrose sister grins, dimples popping up on both sides of her smile. "And ruin the adventure? Don't worry, Penz; I actually feel pretty damn great today."

Aspen looks to her sister in worry, but nods all the same. "All right, if you say so. Cisco has a crutch here if you need it, remember." She turns to look at the ceiling in exasperation. "Crazy runs in this family, I swear."

"Crazy doesn't run in this family. It gallops." As Trillium walks past, she pats her sister's shoulder. "You worry too much, Penz. I feel great, never better." She flashes another smile. "Now, where's my honey bunches?"

Aspen groans, partially in disgust and partially in regret. "I really wish you wouldn't call him that. It's very uncomfortable for everyone in the room. And how many cups of coffee have you had today, exactly?"

"I lost track after seven." With an mischievous twinkle in her eye, Trillium takes off for the portal room. "Oh, honey bunches!"

As the shouting fades from Trillium, I turn towards Aspen with raised eyebrows. I jerk my thumb back towards her sister, asking, "Who is the 'honey bunches?'"

She sighs and turns to walk with me after her sister. "You have The Notebook on your world, right? The movie?"

"Who doesn't have The Notebook?"

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