Chapter Thirty-Two: Victory At The Expense Of The Innocent

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Music is "The Last Butterfly" by wodkah.

Picture is Elaine and Katie.

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"Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent is no victory at all."

- King T'Chaka of Wakanda

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The moment Pietro and I walk in the familiar doors of the Avengers Facility outside New York City, I see many familiar faces. Among those are Bucky, Natasha, and Sam. A huge grin breaks across my face as I run to embrace them each. "It's been too long since you visited," Bucky says, hugging me back. "I never thought this day would actually get here."

"Neither did I," I reply, pulling back. "I got a message saying that the President wants to see us?"

"That I do." We all turn and see a woman in her sixties, her grey hair pulled tightly into an up-do. Her eyes are as brown as her mother's, and she smiles the infamous Carter smile at us. "My God, you're actually alive."

I straighten up immediately and nod my head towards her. "Madame President! Wow, I am such a huge fan. On behalf of everyone born after 1990, thank you for running for President." Pietro snickers beside me, and Elaine elbows him in the ribs.

President Sarah V. Carter smiles at me, gives a polite chuckle, and replies, "Well, we couldn't have Trump or another Clinton be Commander In Chief, now could we?" She places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you're back. America hasn't been the same without our golden girl." She steps back, standing beside a man who looks similar to her. He has the same dark eyes and slight grin. "My brother and I have called you and your fellow heroes here for one reason, and one reason alone: I want the truth."

The First Gentleman--Sarah Carter's brother, Michael Harrison Carter--speaks up. "We saw Vision fight his way through a portal to God only knows where."

"Not just God, Sir," I reply. "I believe that he was being pulled by a new threat, one that we've kept from the public for good reason."

"The Mad Titan, Thanos," President Carter answers. To our surprised expressions, she merely grins. "You aren't the only ones who know a thing or two about the mystical, magical world we live in. And you certainly aren't the only ones with an intelligence apparatus. My sources have told me some about this new threat, and I have come to tell you that you have the full support of the U.S. government behind you. I know it isn't what it was when my mother was the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., but whatever we have, it's yours."

I give a grateful smile. "Thank you, Madame President. We'll surely need it."

Bucky motions to the hallway. "Let's take this conversation to the conference room. You know, state secrets and all that sh...stuff."

We follow the President and First Gentleman into the conference room. Her security detail waits outside while the rest of us find our seats at a familiar looking conference table. It's the same place we discussed our Civil War issues many years ago. Bucky and Natasha take the two seats at the end, and the President and First Gentleman take the opposing. Elaine and Katie sit to my left, Pietro and Steve to my right. Facing us on the other side of the table are Thor, Loki, Bruce, Sam, and Tony. Lorna Dane, the youngest Maximoff sibling, Carol Danvers, Stephen Strange, and the West Coast Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy join the conversation via the screens in the center of the table.

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