Chapter Forty-Nine: Now and Forevermore

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Music is "Volturnus" album by Audiomachine.

Picture is Thanos.

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"Together. We are stronger. Together. We sacrifice for those in need. Together. We engage the impossible. That is why we are a team. That is what it means to be an Avenger. Fighting together. Now... and... forevermore."

- Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver

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My feet leave the ground as the barrier drops from the edge of the city. A section no larger than a basketball court opens in front of us. T'Challa leads the charge with Sigyn, the soldiers of Wakanda and Asgard following after them. Then follow the X-Men, then the mutates, then everyone else.

I take off into the air, blasting ahead of them all to meet Thanos. My new suit protects my wounds from getting worse, and the tech around the visor helps me know where my enemies are.

I pull my fist back, landing a cosmic blow before Thanos can react. He stumbles backwards, and I let another fist fly, not giving him the chance to gather himself. This one he dodges, ducking out of the way. Before I can retract my fist, he grabs my arm and throws me into the ground. I thank Ayo and Shuri in my mind for the new suit that protects my body from the force.

Thanos charges for me, but he's thrown off his feet my Pietro. My husband moves on his quick feet, living up to his name as he literally runs circles around Thanos. Elaine and Aspen run to help as well; Elaine draws her sword and Aspen starts to chant in ancient Irish Gaelic.

I pull myself up in time to see Carol flying towards space. I know what she plans to do, for I've seen it many times before. "Carol's going into binary mode," I say into my com to whoever can hear. "Pietro, Elaine, Aspen: help me distract Thanos long enough for her to gather strength and speed."

"If anyone can take down Thanos, it is Binary," Pietro agrees, out of breath.

Thanos sticks out a fist, striking Pietro. The blur of blue and silver goes flying into the nearest large boulder, his back hitting it hard enough for me to hear bones break over the open channel. "Pietro!" I scream in horror.

"You shouldn't have sent those you love, Gloria Maximoff," Thanos says, standing to his feet once again. "You know they will be the first to die."

I clench my fists by my side, eyes glaring daggers at the Titan. "We'll see about that."

I surround myself with a sphere of golden energy, both as protection and a weapon. I fly towards Thanos, stretching my fists in his direction. I release a fury of cosmic blasts at him. They're magnified and expanded by the sphere around me, coming off as rays of boiling heat and energy. When they land on the purple figure, they stain his skin darker. He lets out cries of anguish, putting the Gauntlet in front of his face to protect it. What energy does touch the glove, it absorbs.

"We have to get that thing off his hand before he can use it," Elaine states. "If he does, that's it. We lose."

"Carol will give us the chance!" Pietro exclaims, and I hear him pull himself up from the pieces of boulder that covered him. "Once she lands her blow in binary mode, we take it."

"Aspen, can you--?" I ask, moving closer while still releasing all the power I can muster.

"Already on it," she replies, then goes back to chanting.

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