Chapter Four: The Definition Of Being Alive

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Music is "Venus" by Sleeping At Last.

Picture is Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Pietro Maximoff.

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Recommendation: "Bucky Barnes One Shots" by savagesociety.

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"We can do anything. We can be anyone. That's the definition of being alive. That's magic." 

- Jubilation Lee, Jubilee

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The next morning, Pietro and I decide to take a walk through the streets of Paris. Our dinner isn't scheduled until the evening, around seven, which has given us plenty of time to wake up, spend some time together in the quiet and privacy of our hotel room, and get ready for a fun day ahead of us. We had decided to just wander aimlessly the streets of Paris, not knowing what we'll find, but all the more excited because of it.

I pull the map of the city from my travel bag that hangs from my shoulder, resting against my thigh. I unfold it as Pietro walks with me down the side walk. "Where are we?" I ask, trying to figure out which way is up on the map.

"Street? We are on... Avenue de la Bourdonnais. It runs parallel to the Eiffel Tower." He points to the street on the map, easily finding it. "See?"

I nod, thanking him

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I nod, thanking him. "I'm hungry. We should find somewhere to eat. I wanna try somewhere new.  What do you think, Pietro?" I look up from the map to see my husband no where in sight. I roll my eyes, huffing a sigh as I straighten the skirt of my dress. "Damn speedsters."

Moments later, just like I knew he would, he comes dashing right back where he left me, only this time, I'm not happy with it. "I found a perfect place!" he shouts with a grin.

"Pietro," I whisper a scold, "you can't just go around speeding off everywhere! This isn't Sokovia. People here might notice something." I look around at the people surrounding us. For the most part, they aren't phased.

Pietro rubs my shoulders. "Relax, my love. No one saw me. I made sure of it."

I nod, trying to believe him. "Okay. What's this restaurant you found?"

"It is called Au Petit Sud-Ouest.  It is just around the corner."


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Age Of Miracles | Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now