Part Two: The Last Time

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Music is "The Last Time" by Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody

Picture is Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling (I know it's not Chris Evans, but there are legitimately no pictures of Emma and Chris together. At all. Use your imagination!)

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Part Two
Break In by Halestorm
Shadow Preachers by Zella Day
The Last Time by Taylor Swift ft. Gary Lightbody

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The Christmas Special of 2016

Part Two: The Last Time

Around noon I feel a tap on my shoulder. Steve wakes me with a soft, "Bex, time to go. If we're going to get to Russia before Christmas, we gotta get goin'."

With a heavy sigh, I turn onto my back, allowing a large yawn to escape my lips. "I can drive some more if you want."

Steve, from the corner of my eye, shakes his head. "Nah. I can handle it, but we gotta find some food first. I'm starved."

"You eat almost as much as my brother-in-law," I groan, forcing my bones to pull themselves up and over the side of the bed.

Steve is sitting on the edge of the bed, scrolling through his phone. "I think I found a shortcut to Kazan."

"You did?" Kazan is the city in Russia where my mother's aunt and cousin currently live. From the instructions on MapQuest, it said that it would take nearly two days straight to drive there.

"Yeah. Instead of going west into Kiev from here in Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, I think we should continue north a little longer, until we hit the Belarusian boarder. Then we cross northwest into Moscow. From there, west until we hit Kazan. It'll save us a few hours. Not much, but it's something." He looks up at me for the first time, his serious expression turning into somewhat of a stiffed smile. "Nice hair, Anna of Arendelle."

I touch the top of my head, only to find my hair in a tangled mess, and make a mocking expression towards him. "Hilarious! Wonderful reference you have, there. Compensating for missing out on seventy-five years of pop culture?"

Steve stands, walking across the room to the door. "What's the saying you kids like so much? 'Don't dish it out if you can't take it?'" He grins at my false appalled features. "You tame that mane. I'm gonna look for something to eat. I'll be back in a few. Don't open the door for anyone but me, alright?"

I place my hands on my hips and wink at him. "Worried about me, Empire State?"

Steve simply replies, "Absolutely," before heading out the door, locking it as he leaves.

I huff to myself, crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't have a 'mane.'" As I walk over to the small mirror by the vanity, I see the true extension of my messy bronze locks. It truly does resemble the princess from Frozen. "Yikes," I mumble to myself. "Very sexy, Bex. Sexy as fuck."

After I get my hair under control, putting it into dual braids to fit under my gag-gift Captain America beanie, and Steve comes back with a box of hot donuts, we hit the road again. Steve takes the first couple hours, and I take the next one.

I say the "next one" because that's all we get before we hear a terribly alarming noise. Something like a gun shot, but under our feet. The car jerks to the side, and I barely grab hold tight enough to get control before we hit the one fucking tree on the edge of the one fucking lonely road in the middle of fucking Belarus.

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