Author's Note: A Whole Lot Of Shit (VERY IMPORTANT)

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Hey everyone!

I am so sorry I haven't been active lately! I swear I have reasons, and I know a lot of you really miss this book. I promise updates are coming soon! I also have big announcements! This note will cover the Christmas Special updates, my new books, what the hell has been going on with my Pinterest account (There's a new account to follow!), and what to expect from me in 2017, aka BRAND NEW CHARACTERS IN NEW BOOKS! To make it easier to find, I'm going to label everything. I'm so sorry this didn't go up sooner like I said it would, and if you read all this, I will love you forever!



First of all, a explanation as to why I haven't updated anything in over a month. I just finished my first semester of college a week ago, and I had to do an extension on one of my final papers that I just turned in this week. So I haven't been able to write for fun in almost a month. I have missed writing so much! Updates for this book and more are coming back right after the New Year, so stay tuned for more Glory and co.! I would update sooner, but I'm going out of town starting the 26th and won't be back until the 31st.



As for the Christmas Special 2016, featuring Stebex, it is almost finished! I'm about half way through part three of the three part mini-series. I think I'm going to post Part One on Christmas Eve (Tomorrow!) and Part Two on Christmas Day, then wait to post the conclusion the day after Christmas. This is mainly to give me more time to polish the final part, which is so awesome, you guys. You're going to love it!

Also, it has a name now! The Christmas Special 2016 is now going to be referred to as Cold December Nights (the theme of this mini-series is "Cold December Night" by Michael Bublé, which I've attatched to this note if you have never heard it). After publishing Cold December Nights here on AoM, I'm going to publish it again as a separate book, so look out for it there as well!



Secondly, I have had several new works published since this book has been updated. I've published my poetry book, called It's Only A Fictional World, After All, that I update whenever new inspiration hits me. I've also started a non-fiction book on anxiety: what it is and what you can do to help yourself overcome it. It's called Anxiety and the Art of Rising Above, and will be published as I gather information and teach myself. Lastly, I've published a work of pure revelations I have every day. You know, those deep thoughts that you're like, "Damn, I should've written that down." Well, I finally have, and it's called Epiphany. I really hope you guys take some time to check those out!



Lastly, I know a lot of you follow me on my Pinterest account, "Royale Wolf | SaveTheBrooklynBoys." Some of you may have noticed that the account hasn't been active for almost two weeks or that you can't access the boards. Well, there's a reason.

For some strange reason, my account has been suspended. I can't get to it. It's still up, so it hasn't been deleted, but you can't see my page or boards. I've contacted Pinterest twice, but so far I've yet to even get a reply from them saying that they've received my question as to why it was suspended in the first place.

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