Chapter Thirty-One: Rush Head-On Into Armageddon

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Music is "White Wall" by The Guardian.

Picture is Meaghan Rath as Katie Mateese.

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"Fools taking up arms against omnipotence. They rush head-on into Armageddon. So I shall provide them with a most glorious doomsday! The heavens will run red with blood. But in the end, as always, Thanos will stand triumphant."

- Thanos

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I pull myself up, using only my will to stand again. My body is sore and aching, my mind in the exhausted state of a drone rather than a human being. I pull my fists up to shield me again, staggering slightly from one foot to the other as I attempt to regain my balance. "Tired?" Killbane asks, crossing his arms.

I scoff. "I could do this all day."

Killbane rolls his eyes. "No, you can't. Take the rest of the day and rest. We can train more tomorrow."

"I don't want to rest," I retort. "I want to kick your ass again."

Killbane raises an eyebrow. "Is it that, or are you avoiding what's out there?" He motions to the exit door. "I might live in a cell, but I heard about coming back conference, or rather, what happened after."

I drop my fists, walking over to the bench against the side of the gym. "It was a disaster," I groan, sitting down with a huff. "A complete and utter disaster."

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{The Previous Morning}

My shaky hand takes Pietro's. I've fought battles against gods and monsters, yet somehow this two minutes of my life is scaring me more than those combined. "Nervous?" he asks, turning to me as Tony walks out to welcome everyone to the open-air podium outside Stark Tower. 

I turn towards him with a nod. "Aren't you?"

He shakes his head, giving a sympathetic smile. "You forget that I was the one sneaking out at night to fight crime the old-fashioned way. I love this." He turns towards the podium that's just outside the entrance to Stark Tower where we hide until Tony waves us forward. "Well, maybe not this, but I can not wait to get out there again and kick bad guy ass."

I run my thumb along the top of his hand, looking down at our joined fingers. "You forget that our first bad guy ass to kick is Thanos."

He leans forward, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I believe in us, возлюбленная. I always will."

Wanda walks up behind us, her hand in Vision's. "It is almost time. Where are Steve and Bruce?"

I shake my head. "I'm not sure they're coming. We go on without them."

I put a hand out, using my powers to open a tiny, unseen portal linking us to right beside Tony so we can hear what he's saying. "Settle down, settle down," he begins. "I could walk right back inside. I live here, you know."

Pietro chuckles at that.

"All right," Tony begins. "Now, I know quite a few of you saw Gloria Northern, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, and Vision walk through the doors to my tower a few days ago."

A reporter shouts, "Six days and you've yet to explain that! Ms. Northern, Vision, and the Maximoffs are dead! How do you explain their appearances?"

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