Chapter Thirty-Eight: Conflict Breeds Catastrophe

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Music is "Beautiful Lie" by Hans Zimmer & Junkie XL from the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice OST.

Picture is Pietro and Glory.

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"There may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge, challenge incites conflict, and conflict...breeds catastrophe."

- Vision

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"The Outrider is dead, and he did not complete his mission. Lord...the human has...complicated things."

Another vision comes to me before I wake. This time, I am in an unfamiliar spacecraft. This ship is large, and the hallways are dark. I see three figures standing against the large window that shows the void of space outside. The stars are barely visible.

The largest figure, clearly Thanos, turns towards the originator of the words just spoken. His frown deepens. "This was your pet, Corvus Glaive. You promised me that the Alpha Flight station would be destroyed and that Sokovia would be in flames before we arrived."

The dark, cloaked figure backs away slightly, hand gripping tightly to his scythe. "The station was destroyed, Master, but the human female, Gloria Maximoff...she pushed the station into the Sea before it could hit land."

Thanos scowls, his fist shaking. "If you were not immortal with that staff in hand, Corvus, I would kill you where you stand. Find Black Dwarf, your brother. Fix this mess. We are running out of time." Corvus turns and leaves.

Thanos looks to the second figure. This one is a woman with blue skin and hair with white eyes. Her left arm is made of a golden metal, and she holds a tall staff in her other hand. She is nearly as tall as the Mad Titan himself. "When will we arrive, Proxima Midnight?"

The woman crosses her left arm, a metal arm, over her chest in a salute as she bows her head to Thanos. "Within days, my Lord. The humans are hardly prepared. We will wipe them off the rock which they have infested long enough."

"And the outriders?"

"The Outrider, though he failed, left us no choice but to create others like him. The outriders are at your command. They are even more...ferocious than the original."

Thanos grins proudly. "Excellent. Though your husband brings me bad news, you, Proxima, have always brought me victory. I am proud, and Death will be as well."

Proxima nods, dropping her salute. She grips her staff tightly, and it oozes with a black sludge, a poison if I remember my comics correctly. "Have you had any more visions of the human female, Lord?"

Thanos nods. He closes his eyes, his voice coming out strained and tired. "Every time I close my eyes, I can feel her in my head. I see her, standing with those wretched heroes. However, I still cannot tell their plan."

"Can she see us in return?" Proxima inquires. "Because that would lead to a security breach that we cannot control. If the human female is able to witness this moment now, we may have lost our truest surprise."

"You worry too much, Proxima. This is why you are one of my most trusted allies."

Thanos turns and makes his way from the viewing room to the ships hallway. I follow suit, as does Proxima. I see Chitauri Elite scurrying around the ship, preparing weapons of mass destruction.

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