Chapter Three: Such Wonders, Such Miracles

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Music is "Moon" by Sleeping At Last.

Picture is Emma Stone as Bex Northern.

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Recommendation: "Photographs - Bucky Barnes" by arymyth.

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"Odd how even in the face of tragedy, there are often such wonders - such miracles - to be found."

- Kurt Wagner, Nightcrawler

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By the time cake rolls around, it's almost an hour after dinner. Wanda and Lorna tag-team the cleanup with the use of their powers, refusing to let me help in any way. "It is your birthday," Wanda ordered, pointing her finger towards the back door and the patio outside. "Go sit with your husband. Lorna and I will be out shortly."

I raised my hands in defeat and listened, replying with a, "Yes, Ma'am," and scurried out the door.

Just when we're about to start singing Happy Birthday in front of a giant chocolate cake, Mom comes through the door with a huge smile. "Happy birthday!" she announces, hurrying over to hug me tightly. "I'm sorry I'm so late! I had to run a few errands after my appointment."

I hug her back just as tightly. "That's okay! We're just getting started with the fun stuff. Did your appointment go well?"

She nods, turning to Steven as he runs to her, hugging her leg. "Nana!"

"Steven!" She picks him up and holds him on her hip, barely being able to do so. "You're getting so big!"

She tries to keep him balanced, but eventually gravity wins, and she stumbles with him in her arms. "Mom!" I exclaim, grabbing a hold of her arms as Pietro grabs Steven before they both go tumbling down. "Are you okay?"

She nods, catching her breath. "Is he okay? I didn't mean to drop him." She looks over her grandson, making certain that he's unharmed.

"He's fine, Mom. Are you?"

She waves off my concern, taking the seat that Steve offers her beside her daughters. "Don't worry about me." She turns to the former super-soldier. "Thank you, handsome."

Steve rolls his eyes and look over to me. "Your family is full of flirty redheads."

"Damn right, babe," Bex says, jumping up and standing on her tip-toes to give him a peck on the cheek. As Steve blushes, for the millionth time since they started dating, Bex turns to our mom, saying, "Mooom, did you get it?"

"Get what?" I ask.

"We all pitched in and got you somethin' for your birthday," Bucky says with his signature smile.

I groan. "Guys, I told you no gifts. This is exactly why I don't like parties."

"As much as we are a gift to your life," Sam says with a chuckle, "It's your thirty-first, and the five year anniversary of breaking off from the Avengers. We wanted to celebrate that."

"So we all pitched in and..." Mom hands me a small envelope. I pull the pieces of paper from inside and gasp at the contents. "We got you a trip for two to Paris! You leave tomorrow!"

I scream for joy and throw my arms around my mother. "Thank you!" After I pull back, I stare at the tickets.

Round-Trip Flight
Novigrad, Sokovia to Paris, France
Departure: 11.15 a.m., October 3, 2022, Sokovian National Airfield
Arrival: 1:45 p.m. local time, Charles de Gaulle Airport

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