Author's Note: New Book!

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Hey guys!

Not an update, but I have an announcement! I've just published a surprise new book! It's something I've been putting off for a long time, but hey! No time like the present, right?

It's a Tom Hiddleston novel! *gasps* I know, I know! About damn time! I would really appreciate it if you were to check it out. It's called A Forever of Nows and follows a young writer, not unlike ourselves, through her life as she goes from publishing anonymously on WattPad to being a Times Bestseller seemingly overnight. Along the way, she meets Mr. Hiddleston ;)

It would mean so much to me if you'd hop over and check out the Prologue which is already up, along with the cast list and an explanation why this book is being written now.

And don't worry: the cover is only temporary. I'm looking for someone else since my go-to gal has taken a temporary hiatus for college, which I totally get. If you guys know of anyone, let me know! If I can't get one done within a few days, I'll just make something crappy myself and stick it up there for the time being.

I love you guys and gals!

Your friendly neighborhood author,
- Royale Wolf, aka SaveTheBrooklynBoys

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