Chapter Fifty: Bury Me In The Ocean

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Music is "End Credits" by Alan Silvestri from the Avengers: Infinity War OST.

Picture is The Snap from the Infinity comics.

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"Bury me in the oceans with my ancestors that jumped from the ships because they knew that death was better than bondage."

- Erik Stevens (N'Jadaka), Killmonger

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When you lose someone, you try to remember the last time you saw them. And most of the time, it's a blurry memory because--at the time--you had no idea it would be the last. Try as you might, sometimes the last time you see someone isn't how you wanted it to go. Maybe it ended too soon. Maybe you didn't get to say goodbye. No goodbye would ever suffice when that person you love is murdered before your very eyes.

You never know when you might be seeing someone for the last time.

I force myself to remember Pietro's last moments, focusing on them instead of the bloodshed and chaos. In the moments that pass before the Avengers attack Thanos, I recall his face. Pietro Erik Maximoff: my husband, the father of our children, the love of my life. I hate myself for not saving him, for encouraging him to take the Gauntlet from the mirage of Thanos. I can still see the light leave his blue eyes as Thanos ripped the life force out of his body, leaving him an empty corpse on the ground next to Carol, my friend, the one who taught me everything I know about my powers.

My darling is dead.

He's with me now, I hear Death whisper in my ear. Take my mantle and be with him forever.

God, is that a tempting offer.

"Mom." I turn around, ignoring the voice in my head as I face Elaine. She's still holding my hand. Her green eyes lock onto mine. "Are you okay?"

I open my mouth to respond something along the lines of "not really," but I shut it again when a new worry pops into my head. I look my daughter over, searching for injuries or signs of fading away.

"How are you still here?" I ask her. "Pietro..."

Pietro is dead, those are the words I can't yet say. Elaine should have vaporized as soon as he died. If he isn't alive, then she will never have been born. She will have never existed at all.

Elaine looks down at her body, just as confused as I, then to her Infinity Stone-powered sword. The emerald Time Stone glows brighter than before, pulsing its energy into the blade and up into Elaine's hand. "The Time Stone is buying me time," she answers, lifting the blade. "I won't have long, but...but maybe it's enough."

I grip her hand tightly and offer a watery smile. "I'll bring him back, after this is all done. We'll bring him back. I'm not losing either of you."

Elaine nods, and I turn back to Thanos. The heroes have started fighting against him again, but this time is different. This time, Thanos isn't holding back. He's using the Gauntlet to win, breaking cosmic rules and tearing us apart.

Sigyn and Valkyrie charge Thanos from the front, as brave a warrior as there ever was. Thanos waves his hand like he did with Logan, and the two disappear. Thor gives an angry shout, then jumps into the air to summon lightning. The Titan aims the Gauntlet in his direction. When the lightning comes into Thor's hammer, Thanos forces it to remain there, having nowhere else to go except for the Thunder God himself.

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