Chapter Two: The Best That We Can Do Is To Start Over

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Music is "To Build A Home" by The Cinematic Orchestra.

Picture is Georgie Henley as Ksenia Aspen Wanda Maximoff.

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Recommendation: "Alice" by LauraEdsss.

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"The world has changed, and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over."

- Margaret "Peggy" Carter, Agent Carter

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When we get to the house, it doesn't take me long to realize that Nat, Bucky, Lorna, and Sam were already there, standing behind the door and ready to shout, "Surprise!" as soon as I walked through the door. Ksenia's face breaks into a smile, and she shouts, "Auntie Nat!"

"Ksenia, shhh!" she hushes, picking up her niece. "We're gonna surprise your mommy. Wanna throw some glitter on her?"

Ksenia gasps. "Yes! Gimme!" Nat hands her the small vial of golden glitter, telling her to wait until I walk through the door.

I roll my eyes and hook arms with Pietro. "I hope they realize I can hear them."

"Just let them have their fun," he chuckles. "It makes them happy. Besides, you know how Ksenia gets around glitter."

"I'm never going to get it out of my hair. Maybe you can just run me through the hallway and past them." Pietro just laughs as we walk up to the front door, as and he pushes it open, he shoves me inside. "Pietro!"

I turn to look at him, seeing him with crossed arms and a smirk. "Surprise!" Everyone shouts a greeting behind me, making me jump as the lights flicker on. Sam and Bucky stand behind Nat with birthday whistles going off, party hats on their heads. Nat holds Ksenia and they throw glitter over me. Lorna hovers a camera over the group of us, taking pictures of my reaction. "Happy birthday!"

I knew what they were planning, they do the same thing every year, but it still makes me smile. "You guys!"

Ksenia continues to throw glitter in my direction. "Happy birthday, Mommy!"

I take her from Nat's arms and hold her on my hip, taking some of the glitter from her vial and sprinkling it over her auburn curls as she giggles. "Thank you, sweetie! Did Auntie Nat give you the glitter?" She nods vigorously. "You know what I think?"


"I think you should go chase her with that glitter," I whisper, giving her a sly smile.

Ksenia nods, returning that same smile, and looks towards her favorite avengers. "I'm gonna get you, Auntie Nat!" I set her down and let her loose on her Aunt as they chase each other around the family room. 

I turn to Wanda as she pulls me in for a hug, squeezing me tightly. "Happy birthday, sestra."

Bucky pats me on the shoulder as I pull away. "Not every day someone turns thirty-one. How does it feel?"

"Old," I laugh, and everyone joins me. "I've never felt better."

"Well, dinner is almost ready," Wanda says, moving to grab Vision's hand. "You can thank our master chef here." Her green eyes shine proudly up at her fiance, who wears the face of a young Edwin Jarvis.

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