Chapter Fifteen: Next Time Maybe Nobody Gets Saved

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Music is "Guardians of the Galaxy Suite" by Tyler Bates from the Guardians of the Galaxy OST.

Picture is Meghan Rath as Katie Mateese.

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"This job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody, but if we can't find a way to live with that, next time, maybe nobody gets saved."

- Steve Rogers, Captain America

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"What do you mean, 'There was no crash'? Turn on the news."

A moment passes, and I hear the television in the background. "What am I looking for?"

I hesitate. Something like the crash of an alien spacecraft should be all over the news, no matter what country you live in. "Are you kidding? There's nothing about a downed spaceship? You know, big giant space ship hurdling from outter space? We've made, what, a gazillion movies about it? Alien? Star Wars/Trek? Have we made you watch those yet?"

"Yes, I've seen those. Um... no. Right now, the heading is 'Ivanovich Sued By National Football League of Sokovia For Recreational Drug Use.' What spaceship?"

"The Milano. Guardians of the galaxy? Remember them?"

"Yeah, I recall a story or two dozen told to Steven. Groot?"

"That's it. We left Asgard because Queen Sigyn had news that the Milano had crashed in Los Angeles. There's nothing on that?"

"Hold on, I'm having Vision upload himself to the net. He's looking for anything related to the Milano over the past two days." There's a pause for ten seconds, then Steve says, "There's nothing. Not in Sokovia, not in any country. No news network, the internet, even the governments are quiet. Are you sure Sigyn knew they crashed?"

"I wouldn't doubt the Queen of Asgard, whose right-hand guardian is Heimadll, the all-seeing. Steve, what day is it?"

"October 8th."

I stand, pacing the small room. "That can't be right. We left Asgard on the 9th. What time is it? We left Asgard in the early morning, probably around six o'clock."

"Glory, it's almost bedtime for the kids. It's almost eight thirty. What is this all about? How could you have arrived ten hours before you left?"

I bite my lower lip. "I don't know, but I intend to find out. I need to go. Make sure everyone there is safe. Thank you, Steve. I'll be home by tomorrow evening, okay?"

"You better explain everything then," he sighs. "What are you planning to do?"

"Believe me, I'm not certain I understand it myself, and I don't know. Fly around, find someone who knows something. If we're in the past, before the Milano's crashed, it'll happen soon. Worst case is we wait until it does."

"Don't do anything stupid, and don't let anyone see you. You know the shitstorm that will hit the fan if someone recognizes you."

"I won't, but trust me. We've made it impossible for anyone to recognize us. Just promise me you'll keep our family safe."

"Don't I always?"

I smile to myself. "You do. Thank you, Steve. I'll call you when we're heading home."

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