Chapter Forty-Five: Save The World

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Music is "The Final Destination Suite" by Brian Tyler from The Final Destination OST.

Picture is Eternity and Infinity from Marvel comics.

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"C'mon. Let's do something insane -- like save the world."

- Tony Stark, Iron-Man

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We definitely leveled-up our plan than we originally intended. Originally, the plan was a simple, two-part mission: get Vision, destroy the Sanctuary. Now...Now it's a three-parter. And that third part is not for the feint of heart.

Part three is where we take out Thanos.

After the events at the Brooklyn Bridge, the remaining Avengers high-tail it back to a safe haven, the only safe haven we have left in the city: the Sanctum Sanctorum, Doctor Strange's place of power and security in Greenwich Village. Even though Wong and Stephen are no longer with us, Wanda is able to unlock the doors just long enough for the group to head inside.

The Chitauri Elite and outriders don't let up for a second. After Thanos obliterated the Bridge and many of our friends, they started chasing us again. All of their focus was on us. I used my portal creating abilities to jump us outside the Sanctum, but they soon catch up.

We hurry through the large wooden door, aliens nipping at our heels. The strongest heroes--Carol, Steve, and Bucky--physically push the door shut. They fight the claws and teeth of the creatures. I turn to Killbane, nodding at him. Knowing what I mean, he nods back in agreement. We raise our hands, aiming through the door, and let our powers blast towards the Chitauri and outriders. My light and his darkness combine on target, creating a blast that casts the remaining creatures back through the door long enough for the soldiers to close it.

Steve physically locks it, and Wanda casts a heavy spell. She holds her hands up, scarlet energy flowing from them. She strains against the door, which is still moving with the creatures determined to get in. The sound of claws and teeth scraping against the wood sends chills down my spine.

"They will not give up," she says, her face contorting with pain. "I do not know how long I can hold this!"

"We'll get what we need," I reply, determination filling my voice. "Hold on as long as you can, sestra." I turn to Pietro. "Stay with her. Let us know when she can't hold out any longer."

Pietro agrees, standing beside his twin sister.

I turn to the three soldiers: Carol, Steve, and Bucky. "Find the incantation book for invisibility," I order. "Wanda says Stephen kept it in his meditation room. Second floor, last door on the right."

The three soldiers nods, running as fast as they can up the mahogany staircase to the second floor.

"What should we get?" Elaine asks, moving to my side.

I turn to my daughter, seeing Katie close behind her. "You two go with Vlad to the dungeon. Remember? The room we were taken to by accident when we first came to the Sanctum?"

Elaine nods. "I remember."

"You three need to find one of Stephen's bottled spells. He keeps them down there for safekeeping. Find the one that's labeled, 'Essence of the Mind.' We need it for Vision when we find him. It has pieces of the Mind Stone. It'll keep him alive for a little while after we unplug him from the Sanctuary."

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