Chapter Twenty-Four: You'll Find Your Way

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Music is "Believe In The Impossible Medley" by Blake Neely from CW's The Flash OST, remixed by Jorah the Andal.

Picture is (most of) Team Flash.

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"Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things and you've got to start running towards something. You've got to forge ahead, keep moving, even when your path isn't lit. Trust that you'll find your way."

- Nora Allen to Barry Allen, The Flash

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My jaw drops in surprise, and my eyes go wide. "Barry Allen. You're Barry Allen!" I turn to Pietro, visibly jumping up and down. "He's Barry freaking Allen!"

Both my husband and the Scarlet Speedster look at me as if I've gone mad. "You know of me?" Barry asks in a perplexed tone. "Let me guess: I have my doppleganger here, too? What am I? Evil scientist? Superhero? Nerdy CSI? Those were all fun."

I walk over to him, shaking my head as I laugh. "No! I read your comics! I've loved the Flash ever since I was a kid. I never got too much into DC besides you, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Teen Titans."

Barry raises an eyebrow and smirks. "I have no idea who those people are, if they are even people. You say I'm in a comic?" He grins a boyish smile. "Cool."

I sigh, still freaking out on the inside. "Sit down, Barr. We have a lot to talk about."

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The Flash and I talk for hours as Tony makes certain that Killbane is secure. After all the security and locks put on my arch enemy, there's no way he can get out. Barry even had some advice on how to make sure he couldn't use his powers inside the glass case, mentioning something about having to deal with a similar problem. Even Tony was impressed. "You're a smart cookie, Kiddo," he'd told him. "How old're you anyways?"

Barry grins, looking sheepish. "I just turned twenty-seven."

Tony just stares at him, lack of emotion on his face, before he heads back to work. He mumbles under his breath, "Freakin' kids and their super-genius. First it's a seventeen year old Spider-Child and now it's twenty-seven year old Road Runner. Us average smart guys are getting run over."

Barry turns to me, mumbling, "Is he always like this?"

I sigh, smirking. "Unfortunately, yes. You have your Harry Wells. We have good ole Tony Stark. Moody, troublesome--"

Tony lifts a finger to add, "--Handsome as hell, brilliant, ahead of his time."

Barry chuckles, "Well, I can't comment on the handsome part, but those other four wrap up Harry pretty well."

After that, we continue talking about how he got to the Marvel world, what he was doing in the first place traveling between worlds, what might've gone wrong to get him here. I tell him about how we've been able to get to my home world several times. "That's so cool!" Barry says excitedly. "You're from another universe? And I thought moving away to college was a big step."

I shrugged, laughing with him. "I found someone I couldn't live without, and he didn't exist in my world. So... I moved! Harry and his daughter are from another universe, right?" Barry nods. "How do you keep them from..." I make an explosion sound with my mouth.

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