Chapter Sixty-One: Possibility

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Music is "Sorry I'm Late" by Ramin Djawadi from the A Wrinkle In Time OST.

Picture is Emma Stone as Bex Northern.

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"I've spent so many years, peering through time, looking for you. You wonder what I see in your future? Possibility."

- The Ancient One

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The Iron-Legion whizzes past me, huge chunks of metal and stone in their grasps. Construction sounds fill the air, creating a constant buzz. Hammers clang. Drills whir. Sparks fly from blow torches. This is creation at its finest.

The Sokovian Training Facility is coming together right before my eyes. I haven't had to lift a finger, thanks to Tony's Legion. He's programmed them with the specific parameters and diagnostics to create the Facility from the blueprints given. It took less than a week to design the building after Pietro and I gave our input. Tony gave us a lot of freedom with the design and helped us think of new ideas that only could've crossed the mind of an engineer.

I've never been happier to be standing on a Sokovian hillside, watching as they tear down the old HYDRA bunker that Strucker used to create Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. A relic of the Cold War and HYDRA, gone in less than an hour. Now, a new building will replace it, a sign of the Republic of Sokovia and the new age of heroes. What used to be an eyesore on the beautiful skyline of the city of Transia, Sokovia, is now a beacon of hope to the world.

I couldn't be prouder of the choice Pietro and I made.

I look down at the large pad of paper in one hand and the piece of charcoal in the other. Ever since the end of Infinity War, I've found myself drifting back to my roots. Art. Comics. Storytelling. This is what I wanted to be, even when I was just a normal girl in my universe. Even when I came to this world, to the world of superheroes, the version of me that lived here had become a comic artist. I remember waking up in this universe, in her apartment, surrounded by the work she'd done.

I haven't had the time to draw in a long time. It seems like a lifetime ago when I actually sat down and worked on something. Anything. But now that things are going back to normal and settling down, I find myself picking up the paper and charcoal more often. Not everything I do has to revolve around being a hero or being a teacher. In this new life ahead, I know I'm going to keep writing comics, even if it's just for me. From this spot on the hillside, watching the Iron Legion build the new Sokovian Training Facility, inspiration comes at me in tidal waves.

Bex joins me on the hillside, a half-way point between my house on the face of the mountains and her house in the valley. She hands me a hot cup of coffee with a sisterly smile, casually wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we stare out towards the half-built Facility.

"How long did Tony say it would take to finish?" she asks.

"A few days," I reply, shaking my head. "He's having the Iron Legion build into the night. It's halfway done already."

Bex gives a small giggle. "They'd better not wake me up in the middle of the night with all that racket. Some of us have to work for a living."

"I'll make sure to pass the word along," I laugh.

She looks over my shoulder and smiles at the paper. "I like it. It looks like her."

I turn down to the piece I was drawing. It's a picture of Elaine, her sword drawn, riding Sekhmet. I paid special attention to her features, the determined glint in her eye and the small smirk on her lips.

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