Author's Note: Death Is A Continuation Of Life's Journey

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Picture is Benazir Bhutto.

Video is a Benazir Bhutto interview.

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"Are you afraid to die?" - Interviewer

"No. For me, death is a continuation of life's journey." - Benazir Bhutto

[26:55 in the attached video]

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Hey guys!

Just a quick update. I probably won't be posting a chapter this week because I'm sick and since I have college already, you can understand why juggling writing and college while being sick would be a challenge.

I also wanted to post something for 9/11. I don't think we really understand what happened that day. Do you know how many people actually died? Do you? I'll tell you.

United Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers were able to overcome the terrorists, flying the plane into the ground rather than have it hit the intended target: 40 lives lost.

The plane that hit the Pentagon: 184 lives lost.

The World Trade Centers: 2,753 lives lost.

Of those 2,753, 343 were firefighters and 60 were law enforcement.

Over 3,000 children lost a parent.

Fires burned for 99 days after the attacks.

The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) closed for 6 days.

And this doesn't even include the thousands that have died from the wars that followed or the people who were injured in the attacks.

In light of this, I wanted to share an excerpt from a work I did my first college paper on. It's called "Three Victims of Terrorism" by Pakistani author Benazir Bhutto. She was the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan, or of any Muslim nation. This piece I show you is the last paragraphs of the work.

I highly, highly recommend this short paper. It's only ten pages long in my college textbook. Google it, guys. It takes fifteen minutes to read, but the worlds will forever change your life.

P.S. Bhutto was killed for her fight on December 27th, 2007, and was posthumously awarded the United States Prize in the Field of Human Rights.

Brave women: may we know them, may we raise them, may we carry on their legacy.

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Excerpt from "Three Victims of Terrorism"
by Benazir Bhutto
October 4th, 2002

"In my father's last letter to me before he was murdered by one of Pakistan's many military tyrants, he quoted Tennyson:

'Ah, what shall I be at fifty if I find the world so bitter at 25.'

Looking at the victims of the terrorist attack -- those thousands murdered, the image of the Islamic people hurt, the forces of democracy set back a generation, it is tempting to be bitter. We must resist this temptation. We must be strong but never bitter.

Life is at times difficult. But history teaches us that ultimately we shall prevail, because victory belongs to the forces of truth and justice.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen."

- Benazir Bhutto,
First female Prime Minister of Pakistan,
Muslim martyr in the fight for world peace

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I tell you those facts of the attacks, not to make you scared or angry or sad, but to remind you of what we can lose. Life is precious; enjoy every second. This year, we have had many more terrorists attacks, and sadly, we can be sure there will be more.

Let us not wallow in despair but rise to the occasion! Let us be strong, let us be wise, let us be brave. With every struggle there is a solution. Let us show the world that we will not be moved. We will not be broken. We will not surrender to people who warp and twist religion to kill. Let us show them how strong a generation that grew up with 9/11 can truly be!

I will end with this: Please, take some time out of what is left of today to reflect on this tragedy. Who we lost, American or not. Pray, remember, meditate on this day fifteen years ago, but do not grow weary of the problems that event left us: justice will prevail. It always does.

Stay strong and stay informed. Don't let your rightful anger be taken out on the innocents. Even if you are not American, you can join us in the fight against terrorism. Benazir Bhutto did. Let us be brave like her. I know its mainstream, but we will never forget.

Rest In Peace, Victims Of 9/11.

- SaveTheBrooklynBoys

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