Chapter Sixty: Story Of My life

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Music is "Goodbye" by John Paesano from the Maze Runner: The Death Cure OST.

Picture is Jane Levy as Glory Maximoff.

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"Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody told you it was a happy tale, if somebody said I was just your average guy, not a care in the world, somebody lied."

- Peter Parker, Spider-Man

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Flying to the Avengers compound in Upstate New York is easier than all the tasks I've had to do since the end of the Infinity War. There's no heavy-lifting, no light-speed, no portal-creating involved. It's just me and the sky and the sun. I'll take those things over a war any day.

When I land, I find the compound just as busy as the last time I visited. Well, not quite as busy. Last time I was here, we were training thousands of mutates to fight against Thanos. A few of them have hung around, but most have returned to their ordinary lives. The fight is over, and the soldiers can finally go home.

The first person I see is a soldier who has done more than his fair share for the world. Steve Rogers is waiting for me from the balcony of the headquarters, arms crossed over his chest as he smiles skyward. I halt my speed and put my feet first as I land. I playfully salute, causing him to laugh.

"Good morning, soldier!" I greet with a grin.

Steve embraces me tightly, laughing softly. "Good morning to you, too." He pulls back and looks down at me with a friendly smile. "Right on time."

"As always," I reply, which causes both of us to scoff. We both know I'm hardly ever on time. "What's this thing you need to talk to Pietro and I about? Sounded important, from what he told me."

"It is," Steve agrees. "Where's--?"

Steve's inquiry is cut off by Pietro's sudden appearance. The wind shuffles, blowing my hair into my face. I brush it away and turn to scowl at Pietro. He knows I hate it when he does that.

"I have arrived," Pietro smirks. "You are welcome."

I gesture with my hand as I roll my eyes. "And he's two seconds late, of course."

Pietro grins at me, and Steve retorts, "Well, good to see you're both still in character." He nods his chin over his shoulder, turning towards the compound. "C'mon. Tony's already in the conference room."

Curiously, Pietro and I follow Steve into the building. We pass by fellow Avengers and Avengers recruits. Some are from the Killbane mutate group while others are brand new faces that I've never seen before. Among the instructors, I spot Katie Mateese, a woman I've seen many times since Elaine's death. She smiles in my direction, pausing her teachings to wave at me. I wave back, returning the smile.

"Wanna give us a heads-up as to what we're walking into?" I suggest to Steve as he gestures to the conference room door.

Steve shakes his head with a small smile. "Trust me, there's nothing I can say that Tony won't do better."

Knowing that this is the only thing I'll get out of him, I grasp the handle of the conference room door and turn it. When I enter through said door, I see a few other people already standing around the table. Casual conversation fills the room, talk that fades away as Pietro and I enter before Steve.

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