Chapter Thirty-Nine: Anything Can Become Glorious

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Music is "Justice" by Patrick Doyle from the Murder on the Orient Express OST.

Picture is "Thanos vs. the Universe" by Jim Starlin.

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"With a little work, anything can become glorious."

- Stan Lee

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I pushed off telling Wanda about Vision for another couple days. Every time I went to speak to her, I ended up chickening out and saying something else. I could never quite get the words right in my head. "Start with Vision's alive," I told myself. "He's alive, Wanda, and we are going to get him back."

But now, I've run out of time. It's the day after Christmas Day. The holiday was the best I've ever had, but the nagging thoughts of Vision in the back of my mind simply won't go away. Steve called Tony for a Quinjet pickup since FRIDAY had auto-piloted their ship back to New York after Wanda and Steve exited. Tony tells us one is on its way and should be here within a few hours.

It gives us time to pack, and time for me to do the unimaginable.

I knock softly on Wanda's front door, hearing her moving around inside the house. She's probably packing.

The door opens and Wanda smiles softly. Her face falls when she sees my expression. Wordlessly, she opens the door to me, and I enter.

"There's something I haven't told you," I say, taking a seat on her sofa. I pull at the ringlets in my high ponytail, trying to find the right words.

"What is it?" Wanda asks, softly, sitting beside me.

I clasp my hands between my knees, closing my eyes with my next words: "I had another premonition..." Wanda doesn't reply. I open my eyes to see her staring at me, as if urging me onward. "I saw Vis."

Wanda's breath gets caught in her throat. She shifts on the sofa, eyes wavering away from mine. "I know."

My eyes grow wide, and my attention shifts swiftly from the floor to her face. "What do you mean you know?"

She sighs. "I read your thoughts the moment I came home on Christmas Eve."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I plead.

Her eyes flash scarlet fill with tears. "Your thoughts were loud. I did not mean to pry, but..." She shrugs. "You wanted to wait to tell me, so I did not ask. If I had, Christmas would have been ruined for us all."

I sit back up and open my arms towards her. She leans into my embrace, finally allowing her emotion to overcome her. Her shoulders shakes as she sobs. "I'm so sorry," I whisper into her brunette hair. "I wish you hadn't seen that. I wanted to just tell you, not have you see that."

Wanda shakes her head. "It was not your fault. He is alive...I suppose I should be glad."

I hold her tighter, my resolve becoming firmer as I feel her tremble in my arms. My hatred is growing for Thanos more and more by the minute. "We will find him, Wanda. I swear it."

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Later that day, after an exhausting few hours with Wanda, we board the Quinjet and start our few hour journey to New York City. FRIDAY greets us as we board. "Good mornin', Avengers," her she says, her Scottish accent thick as ever.

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