Author's Note: Christmas Special 2016

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Hey guys!

Starting next Tuesday, there will be weekly chapter updates of this novel as we get back to normal. However, I wanted to bring this topic up earlier because I'm going to get started on it for the holidays! But I have no idea what I want to do for this year's Christmas Special. Last year I knew exactly what I wanted to do, the alternate universe where Glory was a rogue agent (bond style, remember?), but this year I am drawing a blank.

The only things I'm certain of are that I want it to be a three part mini-series, like last year, with each part being around 5,000 words, like last year. To give you an idea, each of my regular chapters on this book are around 3,000 to 3,500 words, so the Special's will be just under twice as long.

In short, I need your help! I have a couple ideas floating around, but I need to make a decision within the next two weeks or so. If you really want a fun and exciting CS this year, please, leave some feedback or ideas in the comments, or PM me!

Option 1: As I said, I have a couple ideas. One of which is to do a young Glory origin story. I was thinking of telling it from either Glory's or a third person perspective (I did third P.O.V. last year as well) and show how her mother left, how her childhood was pretty rough, all the way until Aspen helped her become a self-proclaimed adult at 16 years old and she moved into her own place in Baltimore. It would start when she was very little, and end where Age of Glory starts. What do you think of that? I like it, but it might be too dark for a fun Christmas Special. The upsides would be a deeper understanding of the Northern family, Glory's origins, and more of the ever-so-lovely Aspen Penrose, as well as Glory's other friends from high school.

Option 2: Another idea is to do a three part mini-series of Aspen, if she had lived and become a hero. It would revolve around her, Vlad, Glory, and the other Next Gen. Mutants. It would take place right after the final battle against Killbane in Age of Glory. This would be a much lighter, happier option, but it would be an AU, alternate universe, so it would have no impact on the story that I'm writing. In the main timeline, Aspen is still dead. At least with the option of Glory's childhood, it's canon. This option would not be.

Option 3: My last idea, though the Special doesn't have to be limited to these options, is a Bex/Steve mini-series. I just thought of this one today, so I wanted to add it even though I haven't thought it through very far. Everyone seems to really love Bex, and I adore writing her and Stevie, so I was thinking of having her and Steve have some sort of adventure between books Age of Darkness and Age of Miracles. There's a five year gap between the Maximoffs moving to Sokovia and Glory's 31st birthday, so there's plenty of time for some Stebex fun to happen. I need ideas of what could happen, though! As I said, this one just came to me this morning, so I had to include it. What genre would you want it? Action or romance? Bit of both? You help me decide.

Well, there you go. Those are my ideas so far. I really need some feedback, guys. These Specials are for you! I wanna write what you all want, so be sure to leave me a comment or send me a message letting me know your thoughts on these options, ideas for them, or even a completely original idea of your own! I love it when I hear from you, and I've included many ideas from those who speak out. You all are brilliant!

Thank you for sticking with me through this long-ass A/N. I love you all, and I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the week! Also, please, if you're seeing Doctor Strange this weekend, no spoilers! Be decent and let the rest of us have fun with no spoilers :)

Love you guys!

Your friendly neighborhood author,
- Royale

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