Author's Note: Christmas Special 2017

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Hey guys!

So, it's about that time of year again! The time where I start deciding what to write for the Christmas Special. This will be the third year running! I can't believe it. I absolutely love doing these for everyone. It gives me a break with reality and my usual writing and gives me an opportunity to write 15k words of AUs (alternate universes) or sub-plots that I normally wouldn't get to dive into because of the main plot or characters.

In 2015, the Christmas Special was an AU of Glory and the Avengers. The Moscow Rules was spy/espionage themed and existed in a world with no superpowers, just agents. We followed Glory, or Agent G as she was known, through her journey of going from a thief and spy to being an Agent of SHIELD, a spy agency that was tasked with protecting the Presidents of many countries as they came to Moscow for a Christmas banquet. The Avengers, an elite team of spies, teamed up with Glory to keep them safe, but HYDRA had other plans. They kidnapped the President and the Russian Prime Minister. This lead Glory and the Avengers on an action-packed mission to get them back, safe and sound. And all the while, we get to watch Glory and Pietro fall in love all over again.

In 2016, I went a much different route. Instead of an AU, I wrote a spin-off of Glory's sister, Bex, and Steve Rogers. In this novella, Cold December Nights, Bex decides to leave the safety of Sokovia to travel to Russia to find what's left of her mother's family. After figuring out her plan, and after seeing that she refuses to tell anyone where she's going, Steve goes with Bex on a Christmas adventure across Eastern Europe. Their journey takes days and has many unexpected twists along the way. Though what Bex finds in Russia isn't exactly what she wanted or expected, she finds something much more valuable in her relationship with the super soldier.

If you want to read any of these again, or if you're new to the Christmas Specials, go to my works on my WP bio and I've created their own book for each of these works! They're simply titled as listed above. Or you can always find them in this series ('15 is in Age of Darkness, '16 is in this book.)

This year, I want to do something I've been promising for a while. I want to do a four part mini-series of Aspen's adventures in Barry Allen's world. I've been hinting at this since earlier this year, and I planned to make it a full-length project over the summer, but as some of you know, my summer plans got thrown out the window because of school. So, I've decided to make up for it a 20k word novella of Aspen and Barry.

In Time will be split into four parts; however, these four parts will be posted as five individual chapters of roughly 1k words a piece. And instead of posting three, 5k word chapters on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I've decided to post one, 1k word chapter a day from December 11 all the way until New Year's Eve.

So basically, in short, you have a 20k word Aspen/Barry novella to look forward to that will be posted each day for twenty days from December 11 to December 31! It might seem longer, but in reality, it's only about 5k words longer than my usual Christmas Specials.

And I owe it to you all for not posting as much on Age of Miracles. School has kept me very busy, and I haven't been able to plan the ending of a very important story. There will be an update this week! I am working on it literally right now. But in the mean time, you have this to look forward to!

I also wanted to say that, since In Time will be posted in twenty parts, it won't be posted to this book like I usually do. It will be posted in its own book. Go to my works on my WP bio and it will be there. It's called "In Time | Barry Allen." The Prologue has been up for some time, so you can wet your appetite.

There will be a few things changed in In Time, however, mainly because I'm working on my original novel and I've changed a few things about Aspen and her sister, Trillium. The main difference is the face claims. Aspen is now half Korean tough her mother and half Canadian (Irish lineage) through her father. Trillium is now Aspen's half sister, and she is half Native American (Navajo) through her mother and half Canadian (Irish lineage) through her father. Aspen's parents names have also changed, but I'm not even certain that I ever mentioned their names before. That's pretty much it, though!

Thank you so much for reading! I am so excited about this year's Christmas Special! Aspen is very near and dear to my heart, and she will be one of the main characters in my original heroines novel that I'm in the early stages of creating! I hope you all love this idea. Let me know if you want anything specific to be included. I love all your ideas!

Your friendly neighborhood author,
- Royale Wolf, aka SaveTheBrooklynBoys

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