Chapter Eleven: We Are Not Gods

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Music is "Stand or Fall Together" by James Newton Howard from The Huntsman: Winter's War OST.

Picture is unknown as the Stark Ark Bases.

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"We are not gods. We're born, we live, we die."

- Odin Allfather

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We wake up with what seems to be the entire Asgardian army knocking down our door. Pietro and I both fly from our sleeping positions, eyes confused and hair in disaray. I jump from the covers, flying over to the door as Pietro rubs the sleep from his eyes. The door flies open, and I look in front of me to see Loki. His face shows worry and concern, something I'm not sure is real. He is the god of tricks. "Loki? What the hell?" I yawn and push my messy, tight curls from my face.

"The Queen has news for you," he says, nearly out of breath.

"Why? What's happened?" My eyes open wider, realizing he's serious. "Is Asgard under attack?"

He shakes his head. "It's just as Lady Nomad said: the Milano has crashed on Earth."

Pietro runs up beside me, completely dressed and wide awake. "Where?"

Loki looks to him. "Los Angeles, California. You know of it?"

I chuckle. "Uh, yeah. We know of it. It's the second largest city in America." I turn to Pietro. "This marks the beginning of the five years war against Thanos that Elaine warned us of. We have to move. Now."

Loki and Pietro nod simultaniously. "Queen Sigyn wants you to take Eaine Nomad and Thor and head for Los Angeles. You have to move quickly before the Elders call for a session with you."

My brows pull together as Loki pulls us from our room and begins to walk with us down the hallway. "Why? Wouldn't they want to help us?"

Loki scowls. "The Elder gods have been here since the beginning of Asgard, and if they continue down the path they so easily trot, they will be the end of her." Venom drips from Loki's voice. "Sigyn has never agreed with their laws, but the King, or Queen, has to consult them. My father never did because he had ruled for so long. However, my Queen is relatively new. They have an iron grip on her rule, much to her dismay. She wants you to escape before they can question you of this treason."

"Will she be alright?"

Loki smiles as we reach Elaine's door. "My Sigyn is as strong as they come. She revived Asgard from Ragnorok. She, quite literally, stopped the end of the world. With my help and my brother's help, of course." He turns to the both of us. "I will retrieve my brother for you. Make certain that you speak to no one as you leave. I will bring Thor to this room, and will give you safe passage through a secret link between our world and yours."

We nod, and Loki leaves us alone. I turn to my husband. "Go get Sekhmet. Elaine won't leave without her."

He nods, kissing my forehead before he runs off. I straighten my curls as best I can, smoothing out my Asgardian sleeping gown as I knock tentatively on Elaine's door. "Elaine?" I whisper, but no one answers. I push the door open, gently, and begin to hear voices. I hear Elaine, but another voice as well: a man's voice.

When I enter the room, I see Elaine hunched over a small device in her hand, her back to me. The small device seems to be some sort of recorder, for on the screen there are two faces: Elaine, and a man with a shaved head and wide smile. They're goofing off, playing around like children. The recording of Elaine hugs the man tightly around the neck, grinning into the camera. "Quit being such an idiot, Elaine," the man says, trying to push her away to work on a machine in front of him.

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