Chapter Six: We All Have Secrets

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Music is "Into Eternity," otherwise known as "The Funeral of the Queen," by Patrick Doyle from the Thor: The Dark World OST.

Picture is Julianne Moore as Rebecca Sokolova.

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Recommendation: "Within Seconds: Sylas & Allen" by xxwinterschildxx.

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"We all have secrets; Those we keep, and those that are kept from us."

- Peter Parker, Spider-Man

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The playing of "American Idiot" by Green Day wakes me from my sluggish sleep the next morning. My phone continues to buzz, threatening to vibrate itself off the table beside the bed. "Pietro," I mumble, mind still thick with sleep, "can you get that?" I hear no reply, feel no rustle of the sheets or movement of the mattress beneath me. "Pietro?" I turn to look over my shoulder, seeing no one in the dent where Pietro should be.

I huff a sigh, rolling over to grab the phone. I press TALK and hold the device to my ear, falling back against the pillows. "Steve," I groan. "It's too early for calls, dude."

"Glory, it's Bex," my sister's voice says frantically.

I sit up straight in bed, fear grasping my heart. "What's wrong?"

"Mom and I... we were in an accident. Steve is driving me to the hospital now. I'm alright, but I don't know about Mom!" She starts crying on the phone. "I need you here, Gloria. I don't know what's going to happen. I-I'm afraid we're going to lose her. We went past the bridge like you said and crashed into a building. Mom was out of it when driving. I think she might've had a stroke or a heart attack-"

"-Slow down, Sis," I say, jumping up on shaky legs. "Hold on. Get to the hospital, text me as you get the updates. Are you okay? Steve's with you?"

She whimpers a, "Mmhmm."

"Okay, good. Make sure you get checked out, too. I'll be on the first flight out of Paris." I pause, hearing her breathing slow down. "Don't worry. I'm sure Mom's fine."

"Just get here, Glory. Please."

"I will. Can you put Steve on the phone for me?"

I hear the phone exchange hands, and Steve's deep voice says, "She really is okay. I checked her out myself before we left. A few fractures on her ribs, but nothing serious. I'll get her checked just in case."

"Take care of my sister, Steve. I'm leaving Paris now." I pull my suitcase from the closet, shoving all my clothes back into it. "I'll finish packing and I'll be using my powers to get us back to Sokovia in a matter of minutes. Make sure Mom gets seen by anyone she needs."

"Glory, you haven't used your powers of teleportation in years. Are you sure it's saf-?"

"-I don't care if it's safe! She's my mother!" I feel the tears coming on, so I end the phone call with, "I'm sorry for snapping. Take care of my family. I'll see you soon."

"It's okay. Be safe."

I end the call, throwing my phone over my shoulder and onto the bed. For the next few minutes I furiously work to pack everything we brought: clothes, electronics. bathroom things. Anything we took with us is going back. I hear the door to the room open, and Pietro comes inside. "What are you doing?"

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