Part One: You Have Been Loved

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Music is "You Have Been Loved" by Sia

Picture is Bex Northern

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Part One
Another's Arms by Coldplay
You Have Been Loved by Sia
I'm So In Love With You by Jill Andrews ft. Seth Avett

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The Christmas Special of 2016

Part One: You Have Been Loved

Out of all the people that have, and will, come into my life, none have changed it more spectacularly than him.

'Course at first, I'm pretty sure he wanted nothing to do with me. Either that or he was intimidated by me. Kinda hard to tell when the man you're talking about is the strong and silent type. But I'm getting off track. Let me start from the beginning.

You might remember me from the giant rock in the sky. You know, the one that almost killed every living thing on Earth? No, not the one with the homicidal robot. The other one, the one with my sister's father-in-law. The redheaded girl screaming for her life, kidnapped with her mother and father as ransom because your sister is some sort of world-class hero? Yep. That's me.

Rebecca Marie Northern, but everyone has always called me Bex. Not quite sure why; where does anyone get their nicknames? All I know is that I was named after my mother, and she was named after her aunt, Rebekka. It's a family name, apparently. I wouldn't know because I don't know any of my mother's family.

Moving from Russia to America when she was eighteen, far before she had children, will do that to you. Mom even changed the spelling of her name to not stand out among Americans. Apparently Rebecca is an uncommon name amongst Russians; again, I wouldn't know. She never talks about her past or her home country. Every time I try to coerce an answer out of her, she shuts me down, saying, "Leave it be, Bex" or "Don't go looking for them, Bex" or my personal favorite "No one in my family is worth talking to. Whatever you're looking for in them, you won't find it. They'll just let you down."

Bex Northern: college dropout, horrible sister, abuse victim. Add onto that a habbit of sleeping around, smoking too much, an arrest for agrivated assult, and a failed suicide attempt at sixteen, and you've got my life summed up in two sentences. All those, and more, are true.

Truth is, up until the past few years, I wasn't much of anything. I was always the daughter of the man who couldn't keep his wife or his job, the daughter of the Russian bitch who wouldn't stay in one place long enough to raise her two daughters, the sister of the kid who--despite everything she grew up with--flurished in academics and socialization. And then, later in life, the sister of the Avenger: Glorious.

Truth is, I was never me. Not really. I was always someone else's something. Daughter, sister, whore. I was never just Bex Northern.

Not even now. I'm still the sister of the martyr, sister in law of twin martyrs, living in a country they saved. Living a life they gave us. Everything revolves around Glory and the Avengers. I'm not complaing, but it just gets a little hard to be seen or recognized when everyone adores your baby sister.

I don't hate Glory. We are closer now that we ever were. She was the one who convinced me to get back on the saddle, go back to college, and complete my major so I could have a career and not just a job. We share everything, we tell each other stories about the lives we've missed out on, we give advice, we cry and we laugh.

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