Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Darkened Corners Of Your Soul

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Music is "Arrowverse - A League of Their Own Medley" by Blake Neely from CW's The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and Arrow OSTs, remixed by Jorah the Andal.

Picture is Team Flash.

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"I, alone, have looked into the darkened corners of your soul...and know you for what you truly are."

- Thanos

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They seem to fly down the runway of the Particle Accelerator, each more quick than the last. We feel and hear several sonic booms come right away from the two fastest Speedsters, Barry and Pietro. Three right off the bat. Soon after, Jessie and Wally cross into Mach 1. "C'mon, Jessie Quick!" Trillium cheers from behind us. I turn to see a huge smile on her face. "That's my best friend, there!"

Cisco turns to glare as we feel another sonic boom from Barry and Pietro, who are now at just over Mach 3. "I thought I was your best friend."

Trillium pats his shoulder. "Oh, Cisco. I'm too likable to have only one best friend. You're my best guy friend. You get special status."

Cisco rolls his eyes. I tap him on the shoulder, asking, "Hey, isn't there a risk that the wormhole might grow uncontrolled like the one a few years back?"

Cisco nods, slowly. "Yeah, there is. We'll just have to take that risk."

Another sonic boom alerts us that Jessie and Wally are over Mach 2. Caitlin grabs Cisco by his ear to pull his attention back to the computer. "Ow! Damn it, Cait!"

"Pay attention," she orders in a motherly tone. "All of our best friends might incinerate if we don't." Another set of booms. "Barry and Pietro are over Mach 4."

Cisco rubs his ear as the Speedsters gain speed, glaring at a busy Caitlin. "You may not be Killer Frost, but you sure as hell are killer of a good time."

Joe snickers behind the group, trying to not laugh.

"Barry and Pietro are at Mach 4.12," Julian observes, motioning to the speedometer on the Cortex screen.

"But Jessie and Wally aren't quite there yet," Harry adds. "Jessie's at 2.17, and Wally's stuck at just over 2."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Elaine asks, worried.

Julian shakes his head. "We just have to let them speed up on their own. Maybe Pietro and Barry's excess speed will compensate for Jessie and Wally's lack of."

"No, if they aren't going fast enough, they will be ripped apart," Harry corrects, running his hands frustratingly through his hair.

"Well, then we have to abort," Iris says, stepping into the conversation. "I won't lose my best friend and brother. Not after just getting one back."

"They can do it," Aspen reassures them. She grabs the microphone from Cisco and begins to speak. "Jessie, Wally, your speed is leveling out just over Mach 2. Is something wrong?"

"We've never run in a vacuum before," Jessie says, trying to catch her breath. "I don't know how long we can keep this up."

"I have an idea," Aspen suggests. "Jessie, get behind Barry's stream of speed. Wally, get behind Jessie's. You'll siphon the Speed Force off the other as you run. I think it might increase your speed."

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