Chapter Forty-Seven: In The Dark Together

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Music is "God of War" by Rupert Gregson-Williams from the Wonder Woman OST.

Picture is from Avengers: Infinity War.

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"You guys may be okay with being in the dark, but I'm not into it. Who knows what the hell that means? At least we're in the dark together."

- Daisy Johnson, Quake

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Pietro helps Death stand to her weak feet. She leans partly against the back wall, partly against him, but even Quicksilver's tall stature is nothing compared to Death's. Nevertheless, she looks grateful for the assistance, especially when the icy prison Killer Frost created starts to crack. Through the dark, thick ice, I can see Thanos' Gauntlet shine as it powers up.

"God, I hope they're out of here by now," I mutter to myself, looking down at my completed Infinity Gauntlet. "He can't get Killbane."

"Why?" Pietro asks.

"Because the moron embedded the Soul Stone in his wrist," I roll my eyes. "He thought that that was the best way to keep it safe."

"Well, I guess there will be one good thing that comes from Thanos getting it," Pietro mumbles under his breath. "Killbane will finally be dead."

"I don't think that's an appropriate joke, Dad," Elaine cringes as I glare at him.

The ship shakes again, more violently this time. I turn back to Elaine and Death in a hurry, seeing the ice crack even more. "Elaine, you help me fight him. Pietro, keep Death upright. Death, try as hard as you can to open a portal to a death dimension."

Death nods once, slowly. "I will try my hardest."

Thanos breaks free from his icy prison just as Elaine and I power up; she grabs her Time Stone enhanced blade and I clench my golden fists. Thanos brushes off the ice and glowers at us, looking through us to Death. "You've rejected everything I've done for you." He turns to look directly at me. "And you've helped her. For that, you will die before your friends."

"I'm sorry you were not truly loved," Death speaks, raising her voice so he can hear her. "And I'm sorry that made you cruel. You made your choices, just as I have made mine. But just because you cannot live with yours does not mean you should shame me for living with mine."

Thanos' frown deepens, and for the first time, I see him for what he truly is. Not a Mad Titan, not a destroyer of worlds, not a vengeful alien. He's just like every other human who doesn't get their way. He throws a temper tantrum and lets those around him feel his wrath. This time, his wrath is rolling through the universe. For that, he has to be stopped. Empathy or not, he has lost the chance at redemption.

"I pray you never take a breath without remembering the lives you've taken away."

"Every life I took, I took for you," he replies. "Someday you will see that."

"Not today," I reply, lunging for him. I pull back my Gauntet, allowing each of the Infinity Gems to surge through me. My eyes glow gold, and I let my fist fly towards Thanos.

He raises his Gauntlet, using the same amount of force to collide it against mine. When the golden fists meet, a wave of energy forms between us, blasting us away from each other. Thanos goes flying back into the shards of his broken ice prison. I fly back into Elaine. She pulls herself up, and I fly towards him again, letting out a battle cry.

Age Of Miracles | Pietro MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now