Chapter Thirteen: Things Are Seldom What They Seem

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Music is "Love Lost" by Mattia Cupelli.

Picture is Tuppence Middleton as Elaine Nomad.

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"Just remember, things are seldom what they seem."

- Stephen Strange, Doctor Strange, Earth-982

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The rest of my company and I throw ourselves out of the way of incoming vehicles; Pietro darts away with Elaine in his arms, I jump to hover above them, Loki uses his magic to phase through, and Thor raises his hammer to summon a powerful gust of wind to pull him and Sekhmet up. The people around us suddenly stop what they're doing to look at the strange event that is taking place in the middle of their streets. The faces of the drivers nearly hitting us would have amused me if they weren't going to run me over. As my good, godly friend once said: fortunately, I am mighty.

However, unfortunately, nearly everyone has cell phones in America; I had almost forgotten this fact while living in Sokovia where people live their lives outside of a pixelated world. Shockingly, they knew there was more to the world than just a screen. In America, nothing ever happens unless there are pictures taken. Just as they are taken of us as we flee from the streets, probably circulating that pixelated world already. Pietro and I make it to the back alley of a Chinese restaraunt first, followed swiftly by Thor and Loki.

Out of breath, I place my hands on my knees, trying to calm myself after being dropped back to my time. "I never want to do that again."

Pietro places Elaine down on the ground, and she mumbles a quiet, "Thank you."

He nods, flashing her a quick, reassuring smile. "пожалуйста, Eleyn," he answers, using his native language to say "You're welcome, Elaine."

Once I get myself back together, I turn to Elaine with a firm look. "You have some explaining to do."

Pietro raises an eyebrow at me, confused. "Is this really the time, возлюбленная?"

"We must hurry to find the Milano," Loki says, coming up beside his brother after fighting his way through traffic. "We cannot dottle. I thought I made that quite evident. You mortals are thicker than I remember."

I turn towards the mischief god with a snare. "Can it, Reindeer Games. We're not going anywhere until Elaine Nomad, if that's even her real name, explains herself." I fold my arms and glare at her intently. "Get comfortable and start talking. Loki, cloak the alley so no Instagram freaks get any ideas."

Pietro's hand attempts to rest on my arm, gently trying to push me towards another decision as he suggests, "Glory, maybe we should do this somewhere else? We are in the back alley of Chinatown."

My eyes lock on Elaine's, using everything in me to stare her down. "I don't care if we're laying in the middle of the Los Angeles interstate on a Friday afternoon; I'm not moving until you give me the truth, Nomad. Why don't you tell my husband that you lied to him, and to everyone, about our future selves?"

Pietro lets his hand drop from my arm at that, turning to Elaine with his curiosity peaked. "What is she talking about?"

Elaine shuffles uneasily. "I didn't lie; I just didn't tell you everything."

"We'll decide that." I turn to Pietro. "I was pregnant. In that future, I was a few months pregnant."

Pietro's eyes grow wide, realizing the weight of what the future holds. "You were pregnant?"

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