End Credits Scene: The Final Note

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Hey guys!

Well, we did it. This trilogy has finally come to an end. After nearly four years, from May 7, 2015, to September 11, 2018, Glory's story has come to its glorious finale. Everything has come full-circle. What started as a hobby project of a seventeen year old girl has finished as one of the biggest works of this nearly twenty-one year old woman's life. I would not be writing if it weren't for Glory Northern, and I certainly wouldn't be here without you.

This is my final note for this story, and I want to say thank you. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for the votes, comments, and messages. They literally made my days better and inspired me to continue to write this story. Even when I was having writer's block or had other responsibilities, YOU were the ones that brought me back to this story. YOU made this character and her world possible. Some of you are acquaintances, but some of you have become friends I'll have for the rest of my life. Whatever you might be to me, however long you've been reading this story, I just have to say it again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I never thought this day would come, but here it is. Here we are, my friends: you and me, on the last page. This is it. This is the end of this story, but have no fear. Glory will return. Maybe not in the form you expect her to, maybe not in the Marvel world, but she will be back. I don't think I could ever let her go. She's as much a part of me now as anything else.

A note about the future: I'm nearly finished with the first draft of an original project that stars Glory, along with other original characters that have appeared in this series. Aspen, Killbane, Ksenia, and Steven will all have appearances, as well as Emma Holmes from my other Marvel fan fiction series. There will be new heroes, new villains, and new adventures to be had.

This version of events will not be the same as the ones you've read on my Wattpad account, for copyright and other reasons, but Glory is still Glory, and I can't imagine writing her any other way. This project is still far away from completion, but keep an eye on this account. You won't be able to miss it when it does come time to publish.

What I posted at the very end of the Epilogue, in true Marvel fashion, is true: Glory will return.

As far as my continued writing on Wattpad, don't worry about that. I don't think a day will come when I'm not writing on Wattpad. I'm still trying to figure out my schedule with college, and eventually work, but I will always be posting here. It might not be about Glory, but I will always be here.

I want to give a special, final thank you to those of you who have been here from the beginning, the very first few of you who read this trilogy in its infancy. You made this story, and my future projects, a reality. I would not be writing original fiction without your support and love. Truly, I love you all so much.

This is the end for now, but as we all know, stories never really end. Thank you, I love you, I'll see you just around the corner.

Roll credits.

Your friendly neighborhood author,

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