Chapter 1: Bad Dreams

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"Octavia, I love you," Lincoln whispered in my ear. He hugged me from behind as I gathered my weapons. He kissed my neck, I could feel his warmth. He passed me a flower, the same flower that lead me here all that time ago, it feels like a lifetime away since I first met him. Before the others landed when it was just The 100. I remember the days of lying in the cave whilst he sketched my picture or put a flower in my hair or we'd just talk and talk and talk. He'd tell me about the ground and I'd tell him about being on the Ship, the Arcadia. Not that there was much to tell, I spent my life under the floorboards.

His hands were on my hips now, I breathed in his scent. "Octavia come Skai Cru, you're so beautiful," he told me.
"I'm a warrior and I'm not Skai Cru, I'm Lincoln Cru," I responded as I turned around and faced him. His hands touching my bum, pulling me closer. I put my hands on his neck and pulled him close. His lips collided with mine, a gentle kiss. His hands went under my top and lifted it off, he was already topless. I put my hands over his chest, his heart still beating. His hands grabbed at my hips and gently squeezed them. He lifted me up and laid me down on the cave floor. He took off my bottoms and now we were just in our underwear. His hands tracing all over my body, his warmth. My hands traced all over his. Tracing his tattoos. His abs. His face shape. I put them on his head. I removed them as they felt sticky and suddenly they were red with his blood. He went cold and still, his eyes blank. A hole in his head. I stood up immediately. "Lincoln?! No, don't leave me, not yet, please!" I screamed. I stood up and backed away from his body but suddenly I wasn't in the cave, I was in the forest.

I began to run, grounders chased after me. They threw spears and arrows, I dodged them, I kept running, my heart pounding. My hands still sticky with his blood. I blinked back tears as I ran, I couldn't die here. And I couldn't cry with the grounders chasing after me. I jumped over logs and tree stumps, I almost fell but I kept good balance. And suddenly someone grabbed me, I was about to scream but he covered my mouth and he pulled me down. He let go of my mouth and I could see, it was Lincoln. A tear fell down from my eye, he gestured for me to be quiet. The grounders passed us. I stared at him. "Don't leave me," I whispered to him.
"Octavia come Skai Cru, I love you."
"I'm not Skai Cru, I'm Lincoln Cru," I cried and then he was gone.

* * *

I woke up, light blinding me. My eyes damp with tears. I stared up at the ceiling. Piecing myself back together. I rolled over, I was alone. We found others. Other people and now we have houses and flats and buildings to live in. Each room has a bed and a bathroom. We all eat together. I was hesitant at first, it seemed like the Mountain, but it's not. The people walk outside all the time, they showed us the hospital area and gave us a map of the building, it's an old city. I think we live in a hotel. We all sleep on our own. Our rooms are across from each other and next to each other. Clarke's room is on the right, Raven's on the left, Bellamy opposite Clarke and Jasper opposite Raven. The room opposite mine is empty.

I sat up in my bed and opened my side table draw, Lincoln's book. I flicked through the pages, his pictures of me and of flowers and the earth around him. It brought tears to my eyes. I miss him so much. I hate bad dreams. Although, I wouldn't call that a bad dream. He's always in my dreams, I feel I've had the same dream for months. I got out of bed and walked towards the shower, the waters always cold, they haven't got enough power for warm water. They use all the power for cooking and lighting at night. It's a strange place. The cold water touched my skin and sent shivers down my spine, it stung my wounds and it felt like it seeped into me. I wish Lincoln was here, he'd warm me up under the icy waters. I washed my face, the warrior paint turning the water black. I let the water wash into my hair, it made me gasp at the coldness. I turned off the taps and dried myself with a towel. I then put my clothes on and was about to put my paint on when I heard a knock at the door. "I'm coming," I shouted. I opened the door. Bellamy.

Author's Notes: thanks for reading the first chapter, I hope you continue to read. I just want to point out that this story is also in Clarke's, Bellamy's, Jasper's, Octavia's, Raven's and Murphy's P.O.V and there is Clexa, Linctavia, Bellarke, Memori, Jactavia, Rasper/Javen and Marper moments in the story. I hope you enjoy and stick around to read the rest :-)

Thanks for almost 2k reads :) it makes me happy

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