Chapter 22: Woods

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Here we are, sat at our table eating lumpy porridge. Jasper and Octavia making small talk, Rose looking everywhere but at our table with a worried look on her face, and me? Well, I'm just shovelling disgusting porridge into my mouth. Things are still shaky after last night and Bellamy and Clarke still haven't showed up yet.

"Where do you think they are?" Octavia asked me, looking at me. She hadn't touched her porridge.
"You should eat," I responded, not looking at her.
"We should be looking for them!" Octavia hissed, slamming her fist down on the table, a few people around us looked at us.
"Keep your voice down," Rose shushed, still not looking at us.
"What will happen to them?" Octavia asked Rose, looking at her, her eyes cloudy.

"What will happen to who?" A voice asked.
"Bellamy!" Octavia cheered, they leaned across the table to hug and she whispered, "I thought you were dead."
"No," Bellamy shook his head and he pulled out the chair on my left and sat down saying, "we just went into the woods."
Clarke nodded as she came and sat opposite him.
"The woods?" I repeated with my eyebrow raised looking at them, with a smug smile on my face.
"Yes, the woods," Clarke snapped at me.
"Woah, calm down, Princess," I smugly said, I then continued, looking at my porridge and casually saying, "to the woods? Is that like, I don't know, the bunker?" I looked at Clarke with a raised eyebrow.
"We just fell asleep." Bellamy sternly said.
"Okay," I slowly said, with a slow nod, turning back to my porridge, "so, you just fell asleep. Like Bellamy just fell asleep in his tent with two other girls," I looked at him.
"Murphy, what is your problem?" Bellamy snapped, "why are you being a dick?"
"I'm not," I said, holding my hands up in surrender.
"Just ignore him," Clarke muttered, shaking her head.

We all fell into silence, the only sounds were coming from other people. And the spoons clanging on the bowls. I looked at Rose, she'd stopped eating. She was staring at something in the distance, her eyes locked on it, as if it was prey. I couldn't follow her gaze and what she was looking at. Rose she suddenly stood up, making her bowl wobble and spoon fall out.
"What's wrong?" I asked her, cautious. We were all looking at her. She didn't reply.

Next thing that happened, she jumped over the table, sliding across it and was pushing through the crowd. I looked at them. And they nodded, we stood up and we were running after her, shoving people out the way.
"You bitch!" We heard her shout.
The crowd was in a semi circle around her and as we broke through it, Rose was laid on top of a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, Clara. Clara had a bloody nose and bust lip. Rose had punched her. I assumed she grabbed her from behind, spun her around, grabbed the tops of her shirt and threw her on the ground, where she proceeded to punch her in the face.

"You killed Melody!" Rose spat at her.
"It wasn't me, I swear," Clara pleaded, "I promise you, it wasn't."
"Bullshit!" Rose shouted, punching her again.
Clara screamed in pain and then cried, "Wolfie, I swear it wasn't me! I wouldn't betray you like that."
"But you were captured! You got Melody KILLED!" Rose roared, punching her again.
"No! No I didn't," Clara shouted and then more calmly, "if I stitched you up, why would I have let Noah go? When he's a cheating, lying bastard! Tell me that? It wasn't me," Clara shook her head, and then she looked towards the entrance towards the food hall. I followed her gaze and saw them coming. The guards, heaving armed.

"Rose, we've gotta go," I shouted to her, panicked, I rushed over to her and tried to pull her off Clara. Rose just stared at her, blank.
"Bellamy, help me!" I shouted to him as I looked at him.
"Okay," he answered and me and him pulled at Rose's arms, lifting her off of Clara. I looked around the room. Shit they're so close, how do we get out?
"Over here!" Octavia shouted and we looked at her, we followed her into the kitchen. The cooks pressed against the wall, terrified. One of them leaned forward and swiped a knife. It cut through my leg, making it bleed. I screamed as I fell on the floor.
Clarke was in front of my face, "Jasper, help Murphy, I'll help Bell." Jasper put his arm under me and helped me to hobble out the door. Bellamy and Clarke supporting Rose.

"Where are we going?" Octavia asked us, her voice fast and worried.
"This way," Rose croaked, shaking Bellamy and Clarke off and then more firmly, "This way!" She took the lead and was running through the forest, followed by Octavia and Clarke and then Bellamy and Jasper carrying me.

We ran through the trees, we had no idea where she was taking us, she just kept running and running. The sky gradually getting brighter as noon came around. We were tired and my leg killing me. I was sweating and drained. The trees around me started to go black. And then I hit my face in the leaves, scraping my cheek against a tree root. I groaned in pain.
"We have to stop," Clarke demanded and I saw her feet walking towards me, she rolled me over. I saw the blue sky above  me and felt Clarke's hands around the cut on the front of my left calf. She tore away some of the trouser material.
"We should be fine here," Rose mumbled. "We can't see the building, so we're far enough."
"So now what do we do?" I heard Jasper snap at her. I moved my head to look at the right, where I could see Rose and Jasper looking at each other, standing centimetres apart.

Author's Notes: I'm sorry that this is actually a bit shitty, but I needed to progress the story and I've been feeling so inspired lately.
Also I'm thinking of writing a prequel and a sequel to this story as well as a modern version Fanfiction.

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