Chapter 13: Stand

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Trust these people, play along, Clarke said. Well now there's five of us. We just watched them walk away. Murphy crying on the tiles, Clarke comforting him, Bellamy standing over them and then me and Jasper watching our friends follow that creep out the door. Whilst been left with some red-head, who just stares into space.

It must've been 10 minutes, at least, since they left, and the room is silent full of Murphy's sobs. The red-head just staring into space. I'm watching her, whilst Jasper stares at the door and Bellamy stares at Murphy as Clarke, is now, sat next to him, her arm around his shoulders. Fifteen minutes gone by and she moves. Rose moves. She walks across the room to Murphy, I stick my arm out. "What do you think you're doing?" I hiss at her and put my body in her path.

Rose just stares at me.

"Are you a mute or something?" I ask, surprised at her just staring and being quiet.
"No, I'm not," Rose calmly replied, "would you mind moving out of my way?"
"No. You're not touching him," I snapped.
"You can either move and remain unharmed, or you can end up on your backside," Rose said in a monotone voice.
"I'm not-" suddenly I felt a pain in my back and I was facing upward, my arm bent behind my back and Rose's blue eyes staring at me. I could feel my arm snapping, her knee jabbing the back of mine. One of her hands stabbing the middle of my back and the other holding my arm. Seconds must've passed.
"Let her go!" Bellamy shouted, I heard footsteps. And suddenly my butt hurt and I could see the black ceiling.
I heard Rose sigh and then I felt Bellamy pulling me to my feet. "I'm fine," I snapped at him. I saw Rose next to Murphy, Clarke stood on my right, Bellamy on my left and Jasper leaning against the left wall. We watched carefully.

"Murphy, I'm sorry," Rose apologised, Murphy looked up at her, "I'm sorry, I wish you weren't here," she then looked back at us, "I wish you all weren't here," then back at Murphy, "I'm sorry about Emori-" we then heard a slap sound and Rose's face moved to the right, I saw her move her hand to her cheek. "I deserved that," Rose mumbled, "Murphy, stand up." Rose said as she got to her feet. "Murphy, stand," Rose repeated.
"I ain't doing shit for you," Murphy growled as he spat on the floor. He had his knees up and his hands dangling off them. Murphy scowled at Rose's shoes.
"I don't want to hurt you," Rose sighed, "please stand."

* * *


"I don't want to hurt you," Rose sighed, "please stand," the red headed bitch repeated. I looked up at her, at her face. Her pale complexion with a few freckles, her red hair in a plait, but she had a fringe hanging out and her eyes were a bright blue, but had lost the light. I bit the skin on my left thumb, staring at her. Behind her, I could see Octavia in between Bellamy and Clarke, all watching cautiously. Jasper stood a little behind them, his arms folded. I looked back up at her. She was frowning and I could see her eyes filling with water.

"Stand up!" Rose shouted.
I ignored her.
Rose stared back, "I'm sorry" she mumbled, she grabbed my hair and slammed my head back against the wall, "Stand Up!" Rose shouted and let go.
"Get off him, you bitch" Octavia roared and I saw her coming running to Rose. Rose quickly turned around and grabbed Octavia's hands. Nobody ever defeated Octavia. Rose then lifted her foot and kicked Octavia in the stomach. Octavia gasped and then fell to the floor as Rose let go of her hands and turned to me.
"Get up, you son of a bitch," Rose yelled, then in a quieter voice, almost begging, "don't make me do this, please get up."

I continued to stare and then a blow to the side. My face stung as it hit the cold tiles, my right side stinging, my left side against the back wall, both hands in front of me, I could see left hand in front of my face and black spots. I heard Clarke scream out. And I could vaguely see a person laying in the floor and two people holding Clarke back. "Get the fuck up!" Rose roared, then another sharp pain in my side and blood in my mouth, more black dots. I then felt a my head jerk up and saw her leaning in front of my face. She came to close to my ear and whispered, "All you have to do is get up, please, please get up," then she moved away and shouted "Stand Up!" Before another blow to my ribs, she leaned in again, "please." I saw her eyes and a tear roll down her cheek. I saw my own blood on the floor and thought if I died now it wouldn't be that bad. This worlds a shitty place. But then her words, telling me to get up, the tears on her cheeks. Another blow, another whisper.

"Okay," I groaned, spit a mouthful of blood, "Okay," I repeated louder. Rose's face came back into my clouded vision, "Stand up," Rose weakly said. I put my hands on the floor and coughed and wheezed, my ribs killed, but I lifted my body off the ground and managed to push myself into a sitting position.

I could now see that Clarke was nursing Octavia and Octavia was staring at me. Bellamy and Jasper watched, but they couldn't come to me. I saw their lips moving, but heard no sound. "Stand up!" Rose demanded again, another tear falling as she went to slap me, I grabbed her hand. She stared at me, her eyes watery, red, puffy and wide. Startled. "Okay," I nodded. I clutched my ribs, I got on all fours and then pushed up, one knee forward. And then standing, resting against the wall. Rose bit her bottom lip, another tear falling.

I then saw her grab a remote and press a button, a glass wall came up and I heard them again. "Murphy!" Clarke called out and she ran towards me, past Rose. Me and Rose stared at each other. The others then came running, mumbling things, asking if I was alright, I didn't reply. I was locked in her sad eyes. Watching her. She batted away the tears, then returned to the silent, vacant expression. And she walked away, "You have ten minutes," Rose told us, emotionless as she slowly walked over to the the far wall, leaning against it.

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