Chapter 15: Argument

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The van pulled up after what felt like hours of silence. We got out to see a Four storey building, old fashioned brick building with a tower in the middle of it, making an extra storey. Behind us was a high electric and barbed wire fence. In front of us was a metallic, double door. Above it was a sign, made from metal and painted black: The Asylum.

Rose led us into the building and down a hall, before opening a door, which led into a courtyard-area, which had a three-storey building to the left and right of us. In between those two buildings was a plain field and where the buildings ended was another two buildings. On the left was a glass tower, ten storeys high. On the right was a one storey building with no windows. Rose led us into the building on the right, above the wooden door leading into the grey-stoned building, was a sign: Red Block.

Inside the building was a flight of brown wooden stairs. The floor was wooden. On my left was tables and chairs and at the end, kitchen appliances. On my right was a stable and a stack of hay. Inside the stable was a black horse called Midnight. Rose led us to the second floor and down the corridor above the kitchen area. She led us to the end and then opened a door. There was four rooms on this floor and another four above us, Rose informed us. Each room had bunks for eight people.

Rose walked straight in the room and sat on a bunk. As you entered the room there was bunks to the left and the bathroom to our right. Two bunks were pressed together in the middle and then a bunk on either side, in between the bunks were Windows. On the wall with the bathroom was wardrobes. There was silence in the room.

Octavia walked to the furthest bunk and clambered to the top one and sat down, her legs dangling where the ladder was. Clarke sat in the bunk below, Jasper claimed the top bunk closest to the door, Bellamy underneath. I sat next to Rose, I couldn't climb up top. Rose stood up, "I'm going to shower," Rose told us and she disappeared into the bathroom, I heard the water hit the tiles, but five minutes later Rose reappeared, she leant against the back/bathroom wall. "I thought you were showering?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Look, I needed an excuse to talk to you-"
"Talk to us?" Octavia questioned in a bitter tone, "after beating us, you want to talk?" Octavia shook her head.
"Let her talk," Bellamy demanded, "what did you mean we're not safe?"
"I meant exactly that," Rose answered, she sighed and then looked at me, "I'm sorry for what I did, if I had another choice, I wouldn't have done-"
"You did have another choice," Octavia cut Rose off.
Rose stared at Octavia, Octavia glaring at Rose. Rose then looked at Bellamy and Clarke, "I never meant to hurt your friend. But this place is dangerous and I want to help you."
"So you've said," I rolled my eyes.
"Why are we here? What do you want from us?" Clarke asked.
"I want you to leave here. I want to keep you alive. But it's not what they want," Rose looked down at the floor.
"Who's they?" Clarke enquired.
"Charles, Clara. All the adults of the Asylum, the Cloud Dreamers. The ones who believe we need to be kept here to fight. Red block is the fighters," Rose looked up, first at me, and then she scanned us all, "you're job is to go into the Cloud Realm and fight-"
"Fight what?" Bellamy interrupted.
"Who knows? Grounders, each other. They want to control you, me included."
"Why?" I asked her, her eyes locked with mine, I see them cloud over.
"I've showered long enough," Rose ignored me, then she entered the bathroom, turned off the water and came back.

* * *

Evening. We're all in the downstairs area at our designated table, there's lots of other people our age in matching uniforms. We're being fed stew by some people from farm station. Rose refuses to sit with us. "What do you think this place is then?" Jasper asked, taking a spoonful of soup, he was sat opposite me, in between Octavia and Bellamy. Clarke sat on my right, opposite Bellamy.

"I have no idea, I told you not to trust it," Octavia sighed as she dipped a bread roll into her stew and took a bite.
"I know, but it seemed decent," Bellamy said, eating a piece of potato.
"I wonder what she meant, by the fighting," Clarke thoughtfully said as she took a swig of water from the metal beakers we'd been given, the bowls were also metal.
"I'm not fighting grounders," Octavia firmly stated, shaking her head.
"None of us are fighting," Clarke said, but she didn't seem convinced.
"Where's Raven and Monty and Harper?" Jasper said, "like why are we separated? It doesn't make sense."
"What doesn't make sense is why she cares so much for us," I said, they all stared at me, "she apologised and begged me to stand up-"
"Murphy, you're vision was blurred, she enjoyed beating the shit out of you," Octavia rolled her eyes.
"No, she begged me-"
"Listen to me," I growled, stopping Octavia talking, I leant in the table, looked around, making sure nobody was near me, "she was crying. A tear fell when she cut Clarke. She was crying whilst she beat me and begged me to stand up. She's so distant. She referred to Charles as 'them'-"
"Just because you fancy her, doesn't mean she's to be trusted," Octavia said, "this place is not to be trusted-"
"Why? It's only like Maya-"
"Don't bring her into this," Jasper snapped, looking up from his stew, and putting his spoon down.
"Why? So it's okay to trust Maya, but not Rose?"
"It's completely different-"
"How is it? She was the enemy, she was the mountain-"
"Murphy, shut your mouth," Jasper growled.
"No, I won't. I trust her, like you trusted Maya. They're the same. Exactly same situation. Maya was a mountain man and Rose is part of this place."
"Maya was not a mountain man!" Jasper shouted, he rose from the table and leant in, "take it back."
"No. I won't," I dead eyed him.

Jasper grabbed my shirt, and held his fist in front of my face.
"If Rose is bad then so was Maya."
"You son of a bitch," Jasper shouted, I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on us.
Bellamy stood up, "Jasper, don't. We have to stick together."
"I think you should go outside," Octavia firmly said, looking at me. Jasper let go of me. I looked at all of them, and their faces agreed with Octavia.
"Fine, I'm going," I said and I stood up, I raked my hand through my hair and shook my head as I exited the building. Everyone watched me walk out.

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