Chapter 38: Bodies

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We begun walking through the forest, camp not far behind when Clarke put her hand up. "Stop!" Clarke called out, "I think I see someone." I looked towards her and watched her walk towards a bush, which had an ankle poking out. I swallowed and I looked at Rose, on the other side of Bellamy, she looked at me too. Clarke crouched down and stared at the body, I heard her gasp and say, "It's Clara."
"I know," Rose firmly said and Princess turned and looked at her, Rose then continued, "I killed her."

* * *

Rose had been silent as we left Maria in the room, the gun shot still ringing in both our eyes. We walked through the forest, Monty, Harper and Raven walking in front of us, all talking about meeting up with us. Clara led and me and Rose hung back. "You couldn't have saved her," I softly said to Rose as we stepped over branched. The sun was rising above us and I could see our fire in the distance and hear the voices of the others. "We're almost there," Clara called.
"I know, we can see the fire," Raven stated.
"I can hear Jasper's goofy laugh," Monty joked.
Rose then stopped dead in her tracks and called, "Raven, Monty, Harper," they all stopped and looked at her, "Go ahead, me and Clara need to talk.
"Sure thing," Raven said and they headed off disappearing into the forest. Clara remained where she stood.
Rose then looked at me and said, "You too."
"I'm not going anywhere," I firmly stated.
Rose sighed and then walked in the middle of me and Clara, still metres between them. I stayed where I was, by the look on Rose's face, something was about to happen.

"Whats wrong?" Clara asked, her voice high pitched and worried, her face wore a fake smile that faltered at the corners.
"Just been thinking about Maria," Rose flatly said, slight anger in her tone."
"There was nothing we could've done," Clara nervously said, as she took a step towards Rose and held her hands out.
"Just," Rose began in the same tone, "Just, something doesn't add up," she took a step towards Clara, "Like, she was captured the night before we were set to leave and she was locked up for three days."
"So?" Clara dismissively said, "she still could've spoke-"
"I know Maria, she would never snitch," Rose sharply cut her off, "not unless she had reason to. And she said she didn't say a word about us leaving. And another thing," Rose got out her knife and played with it in her hands, lightly prodding the end on her finger, "she was adamant she saw Noah's body, to which you told me he got out."
Clara looked at the floor and nervously chewed her cheek, Clara then mumbled, "She's lying."

Rose shook her head and took another step closer, "I think you're lying. Noah died, he cheated on you and you handed him over. You knew the secret passages because Charles told you them. He knows you're helping us. That's how you knew where to find us and that's why no guards have come."
Clara looked at the floor.
"That's why you destroyed Maria because she knew the truth," Rose stared at Clara and I came to stand next to Rose, she continued to lightly prod her finger with the knife, "You knew telling her Delilah died would kill her. And you knew that she knew that you had gone to Charles in your week away. You stayed in the room Maria was in."
Clara looked up at Rose and weakly said, "I don't know what you're-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Rose half-shouted, "you didn't think I'd notice your ring on the bedside table? The ring Noah gave you."

Clara began walking towards us, her arms up in defence and she hurriedly said, "Please, Wolfie, I know I messed up but he was promising cures. Cures from the disease, cures from the mutations. He promised me head scientist, I couldn't say no-"
"And in return he kills our friends?" Rose shouted, "He keeps us trapped here as he uses our bodies for both lab rats and as... slaves! Just so you can have a fancy job and house? You let him kill Delilah and Melody." Rose spat on the floor.
"He said he wouldn't hurt you!" Clara exclaimed, she wasn't that far from us, about half a metre away, she looked at Rose's knife, "I promise I never meant for Melody or anyone to get hurt. He promised he wouldn't hurt any of us anymore!"
"Well, he lied," Rose flatly said, "And now Melody is dead because of you and your selfish desires." Rose then lunged forward and pushed Clara to the ground. Rose sat on top of her, I ran over and stood above them, Rose held the knife over Clara's heart.
"You don't have to do this," I told Rose, she looked into my eyes and then back at Clara.
"She begged me, literally begged me to kill her," Rose growled as tears rolled down her cheeks, "Melody begged me to end her life so that they wouldn't take her. If you didn't snitch, we'd be long gone and she'd be with me. She was so afraid of becoming one of your science projects, she wrapped her hands around a knife," Rose then looked at her hand and then at Clara and she shook the knife, "this exact knife, as she plunged it into her heart."
"I'm sorry!" Clara shrieked, tears pouring down her own cheeks, fear in her eyes.

Rose then grabbed the knife and sliced Clara's arm causing her to scream, Rose then growled, "You need to feel the pain of what she felt and anyone in the lab. My pain, Holly's pain, Maria's. And anyone else you doomed to death."
"Wolfie, I'm sorry," Clara cried, "I never meant for that. You have to believe me."
Rose shook her head and then lifted the knife, I grabbed her hand, stopping her from plunging the knife in Clara's heart, Rose stared at me, shooting me daggers.
"You don't have to do this," I told her again, staring into her blue eyes, "Once you do this, there's no going back."
She stared at me sternly said, "Let go." Rose then got to her feet, she chucked the knife on the floor, she stared at Clara, "Get Up!" Rose shouted.
Clara obeyed, she stood up. She rested against the tree, Rose took a few steps back and pulled out the gun, she held it at Clara's head.
Clara shook her head and begged, tears flowing, "Please don't do this, Wolfie. I know I messed up, I never meant to hurt anyone. Please, don't. I'm begging you. Please, Wolfie, I-" Clara was cut off my a bullet flying through her body and a loud bang. Rose dropped the gun and came running over to Clara. I knelt beside her as she put her hands over the bullet wound in Clara's chest. Clara coughed and spluttered. "No!" Rose screamed, "It wasn't me. I didn't fire. No, you can't die!"
"It's okay," Clara croaked as she put her hands on Rose's.
"I'm sorry!" Rose cried, Clara closed her eyes, "No! Don't die. No! Please."
Clara took her final breath. Rose screamed. I put my hands on her and she looked at me, her eyes red and puffy, "It wasn't me," she cried, almost hysterical, "I didn't fire. You have to believe me!"
I nodded, "I do. But if it wasn't you, we need to go, now."
"Okay, okay," she whispered as I grabbed her hand and we begun running towards camp.

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