Chapter 47: Pain

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I stared out the windscreen, into the darkness. The radio rested behind the steering wheel. I held Rose in my arms, her head in my chest, I felt her fiddling with one of her necklaces, her sobs had stopped, my blue-cotton shirt wet, as my bullet proof vest was under the seat with Rose's. Rose moved away from me, her back against the seat, her legs back on the dashboard, with her ankles crossed, her hands together, in between her legs. I looked at her, still leaning slightly forward with my feet on the ground. She stared at the windscreen.
"It won't hurt forever," I mumbled.
She swallowed, and nodded, "I know it won't," she then made contact with me, "Clarke needs you. And Octavia will forgive you."
"Octavia?" I asked, surprised. How much did Rose actually know?
Rose nodded and explained, "Murphy told me about Octavia and Lincoln and you," Rose then shook her head, "it wasn't your fault, Bellamy. You did what you thought was right."
"I hope you're right," I mumbled.
Rose leaned forward, putting her legs back down and putting her hands on her lap, she looked at me, "I am right, about both things."

We both stared at each other, in each other's eyes. She then smiled, "Murphy told me you were quite the ladies man."
"Oh, did he now?" I rolled my eyes.
"Two girls a night, that's an achievement," Rose playfully smirked.
"Yeah," I smiled, and then I shook my head and looked down, "That was the old me."
"You sure?" Rose half-flirted and I looked up at her and she flirtatiously bit her lip.
I stared at her, "Are you serious?"
Rose shrugged, and then she said, a sad-smile on her face, "You did a favour for Raven. And I need to stop hurting for awhile."
"There's other ways," I mumbled, looking at her.
She shook her head and half-laughed, "You're as fucked up as me, Bellamy, you know nothing stops the hurting. So how do we win?"
"Exactly," I said, "Nothing stops it."
"Clarke needs time to grieve, Bell," Rose stated, and she put her hand on my shoulder, "Clarke will still be waiting for you, as you will be her."
I looked into her eyes, the sadness still there. I shook my head, "I'm not the good guy. You need to grieve too, and this would only be a one time thing. You're still heartbroken over Melody, this isn't the way to get over her."
Rose came sat on me, she shook her hair loose, waves of red hair pouring over her shoulders, but her roots were brown, her hands lightly rested on my shoulders, mine around her waist, "You're right," Rose casually said. Her orange hair was pushed to the left side of her face and she kissed my neck, putting her hands under her vest top, before lifting it off, "But you're not the good guy and neither am I."

* * *

I laid on the passenger seats in the van, my body sweating and my breathing fast. Rose had just left to get some fresh air. I sat up and pulled my pants and jeans on, as well as my shirt. I was about to open the door, when Rose appeared, smiling. "They're here!" Rose exclaimed, and then she laughed at me, "You need to clean yourself up... and we're taking the van behind us."
"Understandable," I nodded, still catching my breath as I jumped out the van following them. Clarke came running up to me, a big rucksack on her back, she pulled me into a hug.
"What's that for?" I asked as we pulled away.
"You weren't replying on your radio," Clarke explained, her words hurried and slightly panicked, "I thought something had happened."
"No," I shook my head, "we turned it off because of the guards and must've forgot to turn it on."
"Don't do that again, Bel," Octavia scolded as she walked up to me.
"I'm sorry," I apologised to my little sister.
"We got shit tons of food," Murphy announced as he looked at me and then at Rose, he looked back at me and raised his eyebrow.
I looked at Rose, who was leaning against the truck behind us, "Are we ready to go?"
"Yep," she nodded, and then she looked at us, "I think me, Bellamy and Clarke should ride up front. We'll be making a stop on the way, so when I get out, Raven can come and take my spot. We'll bang on the truck when it's time to activate the device."
Clarke turned to Rose and walked up to her, "Thank you."
"For what?" Rose asked, surprised.
"Helping us," Clarke sincerely said, "you could've let us die or betrayed us. But you've helped us, and I'm grateful."
Rose shrugged and scratched her bad arm, which was now covered by the blue top, "Thanks for sticking with me."

I then heard the back doors of the truck open and saw Murphy and Emori climbing in, with their new-found rucksacks. I walked around to the back of the truck and saw them sat against the right side of it, Murphy furthest back. Raven sat opposite Murphy, followed by Jasper, Harper and Monty. Octavia sat next to Emori. The food rucksacks in the middle. Raven clutching her computer device, Jasper holding a walkie talkie. Octavia handed me the other one. "This is it," she smiled, "Finally going to see the forests again."
"I hope so," I smiled before shutting the van doors and climbing into the drivers side. I would be driving, Clarke in between me and Rose. Rose was putting on her bullet proof vest and cap. Clarke looked stranger in uniform, her clothes were in the back in a rucksack, along with everyone else's.
Rose put on her seatbelt and me and Clarke copied. Rose looked at me, "Let's go."
The garage door opened, revealing a road surrounded by trees. I turned the key in the ignition, bringing it to life.
Rose announced, "Welcome to The Lost City."

Author's Notes: Thanks for almost 1K reads and for reading my story, there's only four more chapters until it ends.

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