Chapter 7: Restrained

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"Let me go! Let me Go! Let me see her! Get off!" A familiar voice roared as the door opened, we were all watching. "Let me go! Let me see her!" The man called out again, we couldn't see who it was as the guards blocked our view. The man kicked and screamed and tried to force his way out but the guards were too strong for him and then he was slammed against the chair and caged, like the rest of us. The guards left and Clara looked worried. I saw the man laid next to me. Murphy.

Murphy filled the last chair. It went Murphy, me, Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper, Raven. We all stared blankly at Clara. Murphy tried to break free, but he stopped shouting and soon stopped moving. He scowled at the floor and then he looked at us all. "So it's some big family reunion, boy I'm glad to see you guys," Murphy sarcastically said, breaking the silence.
"You are safe now," Clara told us, "the Routine check is nearly over, I'm sorry for the restraints, but we need to ensure the peace."
"Where's Emori?" Murphy muttered.
"She's safe, John," Clara replied.
"Emori is with you?" I asked him.
"Yes, she is, the bastards took her. They shot us with tranquillisers," Murphy growled, scowling at Clara.
"They shot you?" I asked him, surprised. We found this place through exploration, it was marked on Lincoln's Map and we decided to explore, they welcomed us at first, led us to rooms and showers. It's been a week since we arrived, it seemed decent but now we're chained to chairs.

"Yes, they did. And when I woke up I was in some sort of cell." Murphy bitterly said.
"Well, this is routine check and i have a machine, with your detail on it and you need a jab, so it won't hurt that much," Clara nervously said. Clara was wearing a white lab coat, a white skirt, a light blue shirt, white heels and her bright blonde hair was in a bun with loose strands framing her face, parted in the middle; she was a nurse. She came behind Murphy and said into the machine, "John Murphy, SkaiKru." And then she inserted the thing into the back of his neck, Murphy winced. She came to me next. I stared at her, "What is that thing?" I asked her.
"It's just a vaccine, keeps you safe, now hold still. Clarke Griffin, SkaiKru." Then a sharp prick in my neck. I winced with the pain.
"Bellamy Blake, SkaiKru," Clara said and then proceeded to vaccinate Bellamy.
"Jasper Jordan, SkaiKru." Vaccinated.
"Rave Reyes, SkaiKru." Vaccinated.
"Wait, wait a minute before you vaccinate me," Octavia calmly said before Clara vaccinated her.
"Okay, what's wrong? You're safe now," Clara said.
"I, I just want to know, did Lincoln come here?" Octavia asked, looking down at the floor.
"Lincoln? What clan is he from?" Clara asked, and she stepped in front of Octavia. I saw her hand in her waistband. The table knife.
"He's, he was, from Trikru. Did he come here?" Octavia said, letting a tear roll down her cheek. Fake crying.
"Oh don't cry," Clara comfortingly said and walked around the front of Octavia and pulled her into a hug.
"Was he here?" Octavia repeated.
"Um, I don't remember," Clara responded.
"Can't you search him, on the system?" Octavia asked.
"I'm not sure, I can try. After we've got you registered and vaccinated," Clara said and she stood up.
"Wait, can I have another hug? I hate needles," Octavia sadly said.
"Of course!" Clara exclaimed with happiness and lent in to hug her. And then she yelped.
"Take that, you bitch," Octavia shouted and Clara staggered back, clutching her side, where Octavia stabbed her.
"I thought you trusted me," Clara sadly said, then she picked up her machine, "Octavia Blake, SkaiKru," and then she shoved the thing in Octavia's neck and stormed out the room. We were all alone. The 100. Everything was silent, nobody was talking. Nothing to say. And then it all went black.

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