Chapter 45: Warehouse

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I put my hand on the slat of floor above me, wrapping my left arm around the ladder so I didn't fall. I gently slid the floorboard backwards, creating a gap of light. Light flooded into the tunnel and made my eyes water. I squinted and stared. I could see the white tiles and floor, everything was silent, minus the distant chattering and someone banging on mental bars. The room was empty. I shoved the floorboard back, forcing more light into the tunnel. I pulled myself out of the tunnel and heard footsteps behind me, it wasn't long before Octavia stood by my side. The door opposite the hatch was shut, Octavia stood by it, keeping guard.

"It's clear," I called down the hatch and watched as Clarke climbed up. I grabbed her hand as I pulled her up, like the time on the ground where she almost fell to her death. I looked in her blue eyes, still watery from her visions. I hated seeing her like that, in so much pain. I wish I could protect her, but she doesn't need that. She's strong enough. Clarke joined Octavia.
"We need your help," Murphy called up and I saw him looking up at the bottom of the ladder, "Rose can't climb, me, Jasper and Monty are going to give her a boost, you think you can grab her?"
I nodded.

I watched Rose grab the ladder and pull herself up. I saw Murphy and Jasper and Monty stand behind her, pushing her butt up, as she grabbed more ladder and tried to heave herself up, she winced in pain. I put my gun on the floor and crouched down, holding out my hands. Rose's hands grabbed mine and I pulled her. She grunted in pain. I wrapped my arms around her waist and dragged her up.
"She's almost there!" I grunted. I heard someone stand on the ladder and with a final heave, I pulled Rose up. She was laid on top of me, both of us breathless. We stared at each other, awkwardly, before Octavia came over and helped Rose to her feet. I got to mine and called, "It's clear."

I walked over to Rose, Clarke and Octavia, who were stood by the door, as Jasper emerged from the ladder, followed by Raven, Monty, Harper, Emori and Murphy. "So what's the plan?" I asked.
Rose looked at me, "We need uniforms, they're at the end of the corridor," she pointed through the small glass window in the door, down a long corridor, which was empty, Rose continued, "Raven, Monty, Harper and Octavia are going to get more weapons and connect the technology to the server," she then looked at Clarke, "Clarke, Emori and Murphy are going to get food for us. Were miles from your people and will be on the road for ages."
"And us?" I enquired, raising my eyebrow.
"We're getting the truck," Rose stated.
"Can't I go with Clarke?" I asked, the words leaving my mouth without thinking.
Rose shook her head, "No, I need someone else with me."
"Take Murphy," I said, pointing towards Murphy, who was sat with Emori on a cabinet just behind the hatch, holding her hand.
"He's with Emori," Rose mumbled, looking down.
Clarke then put her hands on arms and looked into my eyes, "I'll be fine."
I stared at her, her face scraped and covered in scars, from previous battles. She was a warrior, but I couldn't lose her. I looked at O, she's changed the most out of all of us. Her eyes cold and full of anger, Clarke's full of grief and hurt. I tried my best to protect them both, but it never works.
"I promise," Clarke promised me, breaking me from my trance.
I nodded and pulled her into a hug, "Be careful," I whispered in her hair.
Rose opened the door.

* * *

We were crouched behind a wooden crate in a warehouse kind of area. The room had grey concrete floor and grey walls, with ten vans in front of us, we were behind the second. Stairs to the left of us and the door, where we came from. At the opposite end was another door, with a guard in front of it. Rose said that we needed to get in there, where there'd be another 5 vans. The only problem was the ten guards patrolling the area. I turned the radio off in my pocket, we managed to get three, changing the frequency to match the Asylum's - no guard would be using it.

Rose crouched next to the crate, her back pressed against it as she looked towards the right, I looked left, towards the stairs and two guards standing in the corner drinking and laughing. I looked at Rose and she looked at me. Her white cap covered her fringe, her face still had dried blood covering it, mixed in with mud and dirt. The only thing standing out was her blue eyes, her fringe covering her right one. We both wore uniform, it was light. A white bullet proof vest, with a blue cotton long sleeved top underneath, with white trousers, the ends tugged into the black army boots. On our hands was white, fingerless gloves and white caps on our head with white framed sunglasses. We held our guns securely in our hands, Rose had her knife in her belt. The guards in this room also wore white waterproof leather jackets, some with helmets, like a biker would wear. Our clothes were in a rucksack, which I carried on my back.

"What are we doing?" I mouthed to her.
She looked to the van across us and pointed towards it, she looked at the guard blocking the door, then at the two on my left. She said there'd be another seven, they were either standing next to the garage doors, in between the trucks or in them. The guard leant against the wall, his ankles crossed, his gun held in his hands. Rose looked at the back wall, there was another crate pushed against it. Rose crawled over to it and cracked it open a little, she crawled back over to me, gripping two apples, one in each hand. She looked at the guard and launched the first apple in the air, the guard stood up and walked towards it, they bent down, picking it up. Rose launched another one, it bounced against the door. The guard stood up alerted. Rose launched herself over the crate and I followed her. She rolled on the floor and slid under the truck opposite us. I followed. We laid on our stomachs.

"Hey are you guys fucking with me?" A male voice called, me and Rose looked at each other as we heard footsteps.
"Why?" One of the guards behind us called.
"Just, apples keep appearing," he responded. I turned my attention back to Rose, who was staring to army crawl to the next truck, I followed.

Finally at the last truck, the door insight. The guard was no longer guarding the door, he was at the other end. We made a run for it. We slipped inside, unnoticed. Once inside, Rose pushed over a locker, barricading the door, before heading towards the end truck.


Author's Notes: Not my best chapter, but I needed to write it for progression.

Also next few chapters are based around Bellamy for you Bellamy lovers with a 'love scene'

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