Chapter 35: Morning

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I was awoken by the sunlight streaming into the cave, the only sounds heard were the birds and the falling water. Rose was laid on me, still asleep, her hair spread out over my chest. I could feel her heart beating on my skin and her stomach moving up and down with every breath she took. Her face was peaceful and calm, her pale skin shining in the sun. I looked around me and saw all of our clothes on the floor.

Last night was amazing, but I couldn't help feeling guilty. I had no idea where Emori was and I felt like I'd betrayed her. I'm such a dick. And Rose is right, this was a one time thing. I'm such an asshole. Emori will never find out about this. But that's a future problem. And we have a big night ahead, and so I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of Rose's breaths and the waterfall.

* * *

"Shit!" I heard a whisper and then a loud crash. I opened my eyes immediately. I looked to the back of the cave, where Rose was jumping into her leggings after knocking into a tea pot that was on the centre rock along with the note and wolves.
"Good morning," I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep, as I wiped my eyes with my hands.
"Sorry," Rose mumbled, looking over her shoulder, her hair still free and wavy. She already was wearing her bra and now was putting on a loose grey three-quarter sleeved top, it had frayed at the bottom.

"Where'd you get that from?" I asked.
"It was in a box at the back of the cave," she mumbled, "Melody got it for me." Rose bent down and put her socks on, leaning on the wall for support. I yawned and then bent down to pick up my boxers and I put them on. Rose seemed in a hurry to get dressed. I pulled on my jeans. "Shit!" Rose cursed again as she dropped her belt on the floor. I walked up to her, the cave rock was smooth and cold on my feet, "Are you okay?" I asked her as I stood behind her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she said quickly, not looking at me as she put her belt on, her hands shaking.
I grabbed them and made her look at me, her blue eyes looked worried and tearful, "What's wrong?" I asked her, concerned.
"I shouldn't have slept with you," Rose sadly said, looking down at the floor. I let go of her, and she walked over to the far corner of the cave, where a black rucksack stood, it had a small hole in the outer material. Rose started taking down the photos of her and Melody and started putting them in her bag.
"You're leaving, aren't you?" I said, slightly bitter.

Rose ignored me. I just stood there, "Look at me," I half-snapped.
Rose moved to the centre of the rock and bobbed down as she picked up her note and put it in the rucksack.
"Look at me, Rose," I repeated. She crouched looking at the wolf and music note, put them on the chain with her heart locket, then She stood up and turned to face the water, her hand wiping her face. "Look at me," I demanded. She didn't. I walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder and made her turn to face me. She looked at the floor, "Look at me," I softly said. Her blue eyes met mine.
"I'm sorry," her voice shook as she shrugged. A tear rolling down.
"That's why you kissed me," I said, a goodbye kiss, I looked at her and the pictures at the back of the cave and then back at her, "you're going after him."

Rose looked at the floor, and then into my eyes, "I have to. He killed Melody."
"It's a suicide mission," I bluntly stated.
She nodded and looked at the floor and numbly said, "That's the point." And then she refused to meet my gaze and mumbled, "I'm going to save Emori."
"You know where she is?" I asked, shocked. Rose nodded, I let go of her hands and turned away from her, and then I looked back at her and shouted, "You knew where she is and you didn't tell me?!"
"I'm sorry!" Rose cried.
I walked to the back of the cave and stared at her, I felt so angry with her, "You knew and you didn't tell me?"
Rose remained silent, I looked at her, she stood looking at the floor, scratching her arm. She'd wrapped a piece of cloth around her bad one. I picked up my shirt and put it on. She was still frozen to her spot, I didn't know what to do.

"She could be dead!" I shouted, "You knew the minute you saw me! You knew when they told me..." I trailed off and she glanced up at me, "you knew she was alive when they told me she was dead." I spat and looked away from her.
"I'm sorry," Rose quietly apologised.
"Not good enough," I snapped, scowling at her. I trusted her and she betrayed me. I fought with the others to  get them to trust her, and all along they were right; she is a liar!

The cave was silent, water running was the only sound. I stared at Rose and she stared at the floor, a tear rolling down her cheek. I broke the silence, "You're right," I bitterly said, "I shouldn't have slept with you. Go and get Emori and go float yourself."
Rose looked at me, she threw the bag on her back and ran out the cave.

I watched her run past the bunker. I shook my head and ran after her. Yeah I hated her for her betrayal, but we needed her. I ran after her, "Wait!" I called out. She turned around and waited for me to catch up. Rose couldn't meet my gaze, I stared at her eyes. We stood in front of the burnt-out fire.
I swallowed and looked at her, "What happens if you don't make it?" I flatly said.
Rose looked at me, her eyes burning into my soul, as much as I hated her for her deceit, I didn't want her to die, "Hagan will get you out and Clarke has a detailed map," she mumbled, her voice hoarse as she fought back tears.
I nodded, "Go and bring Emori back."
Rose nodded and she turned to walk away, I grabbed her arm stopping her. She looked at me and I firmly said, "May we meet again."
She stared at me for a few seconds and then she kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry, I'll bring her back. May we find home." Rose turned and ran towards the forest, her hair blowing in the wind behind her.

* * *

It must've been an hour since Rose had left. I just sat, staring at the lake. Thinking of Emori and how I hoped to see her again, to hold her in my arms. People who leave don't come back in this world, but Emori is different. I know I'm an asshole for sleeping with Rose, I shouldn't have. But I was slightly tipsy and I wasn't sure if I'd ever see Emori again. I can't believe she kept it from me. I can't believe Rose knew Emori was here and didn't tell me. She knew that Emori was locked up in this place and let me think she was dead. I know Rose is pretty messed up, but she should've told me. I could've gone and got her, she could be with me now.

"Murphy," I heard a voice call and I turned my head to see Bellamy climbing out the dropship and walking over to me. I looked back at the lake, still fiddling with a piece of grass in my hand. I was sat on the log, the fire behind me, smoking. Bellamy came and sat next to me, "We need to talk," he said, looking at me.
"What about?" I asked, still not looking at me, "Am I in trouble?"
Bellamy shook his head, and he watched the water with me, "No. I forgive you-"
"Forgive me?" I repeated, raising my eyebrow, I looked at him and I laughed, "Forgive me for what?"
Bellamy looked at me, "Well, I hope you forgive me actually."
"I'm listening," I said, and then sarcastically, "an apology from King Bellamy, this is exciting."
Bellamy rolled his eyes and then he sincerely said, "I understand why you killed those people. And you proved yourself, back in Polis. And I shouldn't have kicked that bucket-"
"You're right, you shouldn't have," I slowly said, looking at him.
"I hope we can be friends," Bellamy said and held out his hand.

I looked at it, and I shook my head, looking at the lake, and then I looked back at him, "I guess I've got nothing better to do."
Bellamy nodded and put his hand down, "Thank you," he sincerely said.
I nodded.
Bellamy then wiped his hands on his trousers and cleared his throat, "So what's happening with you and Rose?"
I bitterly laughed, "Me and Rose? Doesn't exist. Just a one night thing."
Bellamy nodded, "You still holding out for Emori?"
"I love her," I seriously said, "I'm in love with her. And I'm going to get her back."
"I know you will," Bellamy agreed and then he looked towards the cave and then back at me, "Where is Rose?"

"MURPHY!" I was cut off by a deafening scream coming from the forest.

Author's Notes: actually uploaded this early because I thought it was Tuesday but it's Monday. The next one will be up on Thursday as normal lol. I hope you guys are enjoying it and yes there will be Memori in this story! (Only took almost 40 chapters lol)

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