Chapter 14: Blood

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Rose leant against the door frame and it wasn't long until the others rushed over after the glass wall had been removed. Jasper and Bellamy grabbed my arms and lowered me to the ground, I looked up and then saw Bellamy taking off his shirt, "Jeez, Bellamy, I know we're friends, but I'm not ready for this," I lamely joked, taking pauses between words as it hurt to speak.

"Use this to clean up the blood," Bellamy ignored me as he handed his screwed up to shirt to Clarke.
"I'll take it," Octavia said as she grabbed Bellamy's shirt and crouched down beside me, she dabbed at the blood coming out my mouth and then I flinched as she touched the cuts on my face. Jasper stood behind Octavia, watching Rose and Clarke was crouched down next to Octavia. I felt cold air hit my ribs as Clarke lifted my shirt and then her cold, soft fingers were on my fiery skin. "It's bruised, badly," Clarke stated as she examined my skin, I felt her prodding me, "how much does it hurt on scale of one to ten?"
"About a one," I sarcastically grunted.
"Be serious for once," Clarke sighed as she scowled at me.
"About a-aaaaaaahhh," I winced as she touched me right on my ribs, it brought a tear to my eye and I screamed again as she touched me, "still. A. One." I grunted, gritting my teeth.
"Is it broken?" I heard Jasper ask.
"I don't know," Clarke replied, and then she turned her face to Rose, "he needs a doctor."

Rose was leant against the wall and staring to the right, she didn't look at us, "You're a doctor," Rose mumbled.
"He needs an X-ray. What if it's broken?" Clarke frustratedly snapped.
"It's not broken," Rose numbly said.
"How do you-"
"It's not broken." Rose snapped and then she begun to walk towards us, Clarke, Bellamy and Jasper stood in front of me, blocking her way and my view, "Can you walk?" Rose called.
"I'm not sure," I grunted.
"Of course he can't, his ribs are broken!" Jasper exclaimed.
"Move out of my way," Rose demanded.
"No." Clarke refused.
"Unless you want to end up like him, I suggest you move," Rose threatened, I could see her legs were slightly open and her arms most likely folded.

"You don't scare me," Clarke stated as she took a step forward, they were about a foot apart.
"I'm only going to ask you once again, move out of my way."
"I already told you, no." Clarke firmly stated, everything was silent for a solid minute. Just the sound of breathing and stares. And then. The sound of a slap and the blockage had been removed. Rose slapped Clarke, grabbed her arm, kicked her in the back of the knee, making Clarke fall. Rose held Clarke by the hair and pulled out a knife. The knife rested against Clarke's throat. Octavia stood up in anger and lunged towards Clarke, Jasper held her back.

Bellamy put out his arm in between Octavia and Rose, "Easy, easy now. We mean no trouble," Bellamy said.
"Look, I don't have to keep you alive," Rose snapped, "I could kill everyone of you and nobody would question it. I could say it was an accident, you came to attack me, had to defend myself. Or I could just say that you were arguing with me, five against one. Nobody would question me. My job isn't keeping you alive. My job isn't keeping you safe, my job is seeing if you are eligible here by taking you through training. But if you happened to all die, nobody would give a shit."
"Then why don't you kill us?" Clarke questioned.
Rose stared at us, and then at Clarke, "Rule number one," Rose bitterly said as she brought the knife towards Clarke's arm and then as she sliced Clarke's skin she growled, "Don't question me." Clarke bit her lip as her eyes filled with tears and as her blood trickled down her arm. Rose then pushed Clarke onto the floor and took her knife wiped it on her top before cutting a piece off and chucked it at Bellamy, "Now can I see Murphy?"
Jasper and Octavia stood above me whilst Bellamy tied the cloth around Clarke's arm.

"Can you walk?" Rose asked, as she crouched down at my feet.
"I don't know, I'm in bad shape," I lamely laughed. Rose was dangerous, but I could see the water in her eyes as she stared at the floor whilst slicing Clarke's arm. I remember her tears falling to the floor as she kicked the shit outta me.
"You can stand. Can you walk?" Rose repeated.
I started to stand, Jasper and Octavia pulled me up, Bellamy and Clarke now stood around me.
"Walk." Rose demanded, taking a few steps backwards. I begun to walk forward, gripping my ribs as they screamed in agony. I followed her, I made it a quarter of the room before I fell. I expected to hit tile, but Rose caught me. We stared.
"Bellamy, Jasper, aid him. We can leave now." Rose instructed and then she let go, luckily Jasper and Bellamy caught me just in time. I put my left arm over Bellamy's shoulders, and my right over Jasper's, Clarke walked in front and Octavia behind us.

* * *

We exited the building and into the "outside" area, where there was a van waiting for us. Rose opened the back of it and gestured for us to get in. Clarke and Octavia sat on the left side, behind the drivers seat. Bellamy and Jasper helped lift me in the van and Bellamy sat facing Clarke, I faced Octavia and Jasper sat closest to the door, on my left. Rose shut the doors. The back of the van had no windows and the only light was flickering in the centre of the van roof.

"Did you see her?" I asked Bellamy as the engine started up.
"See what? Her beat you up?" Bellamy asked, looking at me.
"Yeah, but like her face."
"What about her face?" Jasper asked.
"What is it, you get threatened by a girl and you love her?" Bellamy laughed.
"She was crying," I ignored Bellamy, "she begged me to stand up. And after hurting Clarke, her eyes seemed so lost and vacant."
"I think you're delusional, nobody in here is here to care for us. It's the Mountain two point O," Jasper said.
"She almost killed you," Octavia interjected, "she almost killed Clarke. You heard what she said, we're not safe."
I shook my head and firmly said, "Yeah, but that's the point. Almost. She could've, but she didn't."

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