Chapter 36: Screams

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"MURPHY!" I was cut off by the sound of my name being screamed. Me and Bellamy stood up and faced the forest, the place where the scream came from, it was faint. But we both heard it. We shared a glance and both grabbed a gun. We walked into the forest. Scouting the trees. "Murphy!" The voice screamed again, louder this time. I turned around and the camp was no longer visible. Bellamy looked at me, he was on edge and so was I. We walked further. The scream getting louder and louder as we went deeper into the forest. We scanned the treetops, making sure it wasn't an ambush. And then I heard her. "John!" A voice weakly called. I swallowed. Emori. Bellamy looked at me, I stared at him. I shook my head. It can't be her. "John!" She called again. And I caught a glimpse of them. She was crouched down, Rose pulling on her good arm. I ran over to her.

"Emori!" I exclaimed in shock as I knelt before her, my hands on her face. Her skin was burning hot and so pale. Her eyes blood shot. Emori coughed and turned her head to the side and vomited blood. I stared at her. I ripped a piece of my shirt off and wiped her mouth, "Emori, I thought you were dead," I mumbled.
"I thought you were dead," Emori said and a tear rolled down her cheek. I pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her. I felt her heart beating fast against mine, I pulled back and looked into her eyes, "I've missed you so much."
"It was horrible, John," Emori croaked, she looked at the floor and back at me, "they chained me to a bed and injected me with all kinds of stuff."
"You're safe now," I firmly said, lifting her head to look me in the eye, "you're safe."
Emori nodded and then she started to cough and wheeze again and she vomited more blood. I turned my head to look at Rose, "Help her." I half-snapped. I looked at Emori, she looked like the people in Rose's pictures. I shook my head and snapped, "Help her."
"I don't know how," Rose cried.
I looked at Bellamy, "We need to get her back to camp, help me lift her."
Bellamy nodded and he walked behind Emori, he put his hands underneath Emori's arms and lifted her. I grabbed her legs. And we walked back to camp.

* * *

As we came through the trees I heard Jasper come running over, "What happened?" He asked.
"She's got the infection," I quickly said.
"Here," Clarke said, "put her on the blanket."
We walked towards the fire and lowered Emori onto a blanket. I knelt down beside her head and grabbed her hand, "Its going to be okay," I comforted her.
"I don't wanna die, John," she cried, a tear rolling down her cheek and she coughed again.
"Get her on her side!" I demanded. Clarke came and gently turned Emori. She was facing me, I blocked the lake, the fire behind her. I stared into her eyes, "You're not going to die, I promise," I told her, my own eyes going watery.

Clarke knelt behind Emori, and Bellamy stood behind me. Jasper stood behind the fire, watching. I turned my head and saw Raven, Monty, Harper and Octavia running over.
Clarke stood up, "Raven, Harper make a stretcher with the bed sheets and logs," I saw Raven nod and they headed back to the bunker. Clarke looked at Monty, "Go get some water from the waterfall - lots of it. And Octavia."
"Yeah?" Octavia asked.
"Go and get the medical bag, there might be something we can use," Clarke instructed and Octavia ran towards the bunker.

Rose stood behind me. I looked at her, "You said there was a cure!"
"Back at home, I don't know how to make it," Rose gushed, her voice high pitched and panicky.
"Well what about before the cure?!" I snapped.
"I don't-"
"Think!" I shouted, still holding Emori's hand. She coughed again and vomited.
"There's one thing we could try..." Rose mumbled and trailed off.
"What?!" I demanded, as I wiped Emori's face with the piece of cloth I ripped off.
"It's really dangerous-"
"I don't care!" I snapped, I then looked at Emori and kissed her hand, "it's going to be okay," I told her.
"Blood transfusion," Rose burst out, "I'm immune, we could put my blood in her but..."
"But what?" I growled, panicking. I couldn't lose Emori, I just got her back. I can't lose her. She means so much to me, she's the only one that loves me.
Rose explained, "She could die, my blood could speed up the radiation since mine is full of it. It could kill her instantly and we might get caught sneaking back into the Asylum."
"Isn't there another way?" I demanded. I put my hand on Emori's forehead, her skin was burning, like fire. She spluttered again. "Where is he with the water?" I growled.
"Here," Monty said, as if on queue, I grabbed it and opened Emori's mouth and gave her water. She gulped it down.

"It's okay," I told her, "it's okay. It's going to be okay."
"I love you, John," Emori mumbled and she squeezed my hand.
"I love you too," I told her and I kissed her forehead.
"Maybe there's another way," Rose mumbled.
"What?!" I demanded and she remained silent, "Tell me, Rose!"
She remained silent.
Jasper stared at me and then he mumbled, "She uses your blood."
I met his gaze, he was staring at me, "My blood?" I gasped and then firmly to Rose, "Would it work?"
"Your blood is stronger than a grounders, it's possible yours would clean hers," Rose confirmed, "you'd be really weak afterwards."
"But it would work? And she wouldn't die?" I asked, my tone more calm.
"Yes," Rose said, defeated.
"Okay," I nodded, "if we leave now, we'll be ready for the sewers by nightfall," I stood up and Raven and Harper came running with the homemade stretcher, they put it down behind Emori. I lifted Emori like a baby and I carefully put her on the stretcher.

"I'll come with you," Bellamy stated, looking me in the eyes, I nodded.
"I'm coming too," Octavia called as she ran over and put the bag down.
Rose nodded, "Okay, Jasper, you come with us," Rose ordered.
Jasper nodded and stood with Octavia.
"What do we do?" Clarke asked.
"You, Raven, Monty and Harper," Rose said, "you guys walk with us through the forest and once we reach the buildings, go to Blue Tower and make the radio. We'll meet you at the sewers."
"Okay," Clarke nodded.

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