Chapter 10: Cooperate

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I sat up on the bed and saw food on a table, and everyone eating it. Metal bars guarding us in this cell. I stood up and walked over the food, "Clarke, you're awake," Bellamy announced.
"Finally," Octavia said with an eye roll.
"What happened? Where are we?" I asked, grabbing a chicken leg and eating it, Octavia grabbed an apple, and looked at me.

"We're in a prison, awaiting more trials," Octavia told me, just as Clara appeared at the cell door.
"Ah, you're awake, good," Clara announced looking at me, "if you'd all come stand here, at the door."
"Why should we?" Octavia growled, taking a bite of an apple.
"Yeah, why should we? And where's Emori?" Murphy asked, sitting down on a bed. Bellamy was leaning against the back wall, and Raven and Jasper were now standing, Raven with her arms folded.
"Because you can either be cooperative and do things easily or do things the hard way." Clara sighed.
"You still haven't answered my question," Murphy casually said as he sauntered over to the bars, leaning against them, right in front of Clara.
"If you come with me, I'll show you to Emori, deal?" Clara suggested, staring at Murphy. He stared for awhile thinking, then he turned to face us, still leaning with his arm on the bars. He slowly turned to face Clara again, "So, if we agree to do whatever bullshit you want us to do, I can see Emori?"
"Of course, John, you-"
"Don't listen to her, Murphy," Octavia interrupted, as she quickly marched over to Murphy and stared him the eye whilst putting her hand on his shoulder, "she's probably lying to you-"
"You can trust me, John," Clara assured.
"Don't listen to that bitch," Octavia repeated, "How can we trust her?" Octavia then turned to face Clara, "How can we trust you? You told us we were safe, then you throw us in here."
"Octavia, you are perfectly safe here. Nothing to fear. Just trust me and cooperate," Clara firmly stated.
"Where are you taking us anyway?" Octavia huffed.
"It's classified," Clara proclaimed.
"Even more reason not to go with you," Octavia argued as she walked away and sat down on her bed, legs apart, hands in the middle.

"Please, cooperate, I don't want you to be harmed, all you have to do is follow me, do a few tests and then you can meet Emori and you'll be free to go-"
"Go?" Jasper interjected, in a quiet voice.
"Yes. You can leave " Clara agreed.
"Can we have a word?" Bellamy requested, "like in private?"
"I'll be back in five," Clara allowed as she walked away.

"So what are we going to do, Chief Bellamy?" Murphy requisitioned as he turned around, leaning his back against the bars, with his arms folded and legs crossed.
"We're a team. What do we suppose?" Bellamy responded.
"We don't trust them," Octavia quickly butted in.
"Yes, but they have Emori, and there's no way out of here unless we listen to them," Murphy groaned with an eye roll.
"And if we listen we can leave," Jasper injected.
"You believe her?" Octavia argued, "she's lying. Why would they let us ago and what are the tests?"
"Look," Raven calmly began, "we're all skeptical, we know we can't trust them, but we have to follow them. Come up with a plan. Clarke what do you think?"
What do I think? Octavia is right, we can't trust them. And the likelihood of them letting us go is slim to none, but we can't get out of here without doing as Clara instructs us. And Emori as well, how do we get her? And Who knows what the 'tests' are. We have no choice, we have to follow Clara. Maybe we can escape or something on the way. I have no idea.

"We go," I mumbled.
"What?!" Octavia exclaimed, shocked at my answer, "what do you mean? We can't trust-"
"Octavia," I shouted, cutting her off, "Octavia," I repeated in a calmer voice, "I know we can't trust them, but the only way we can get out of this place is by acting like we trust them. So we go with Clara, we act like we trust her. Even like we want to stay here, like this place is safe. But all the time, find possible exits. Find where Emori might be. We go with Clara." I walked towards the cage door and banged on it, "We'll come with you" I called out.
Murphy stood behind me, "Look, princess has a plan, get in line."
"I hope you know what you're doing, Clarke," Octavia muttered as she stood behind Murphy, followed by Bellamy, Raven and then Jasper.

"I'm glad you've decided to cooperate," Clara smiled as she returned with fourteen, heavily armed guards, all in white with guns.
"Who are they?" Octavia whispered.
"Guards. Probably because you stabbed her," Murphy whispered back with a slight smirk.
"She deserved it," Octavia murmured.

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