Chapter 30: Monopoly

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Our feet and necks sore, my limbs felt tired. Yet another long walk through the woods. The sun was in the middle of the sky, Noon, we'd been walking for four hours, at least. All of us silent, just following Rose. She hadn't said a word to me since Esmé. The only sounds were the branches breaking under our feet and the birds tweeting in the trees. We eventually came to a clearing, I heard water running and as we entered the clearing, I saw a water fall pouring into a small lake, behind it was a cave entrance. Rose walked left around the lake, and she came to a stop. She stomped on the ground and metal clanged beneath her foot. She opened it.

"This is an old bunker," Rose explained, "We should rest here until we figure something out and until dark. They won't look for us at night," she then pointed to the cave behind the waterfall, "the cave is off-limits."
I nodded and I climbed down the ladder into the bunker. On the back wall was 3 bunks, two single, one double. The double one was in the middle and on the right side of it was a door leading to bathroom and one single bunk, on the left was a door leading to a wardrobe and another single bunk. On the left wall at the end of the bunk was a fridge, a counter, a sink, a counter and then an oven. Next to the oven was a red material sofa, that had worn away, with a wooden coffee table in front of it. Behind me and the ladder was another sofa. I walked straight towards the cupboards and rooted around, trying to find something. I heard the others coming down. Jasper, Monty and Harper sat on the sofa next to the oven. Octavia sat opposite them.

I opened a draw, there was nothing, but a pack of cards and a jar of marbles. I reached further and I put my hand on something, I took it out and saw it was a drawing of a wolf with a Rose on its ear and on the back it said:
For the sharpest Rose and cutest Wolf I know.
Followed by a music note to sign it off, I folded it and put it in my pocket.

I then grabbed the cards and looked at Jasper and I chucked the cards on the table, "Why don't you play a game or something?" I suggested.
"What with?" Jasper asked, as he picked up the pack and opened it.
"Marbles," I said as I handed Monty the jar.
"Thanks," Jasper nodded and then Monty began dealing and they began talking about some pointless shit. I opened another cupboard and said, "Hey, if you get bored, you could even play some monoply - whatever that is," I placed the game on the table and then headed towards the bunks. Rose was sat on the bottom of the double bunk.
I looked up the bunker and Clarke and Bellamy were sat together on the other sofa, Jasper was laughing telling Monty he was going down.

I sat next to Rose and looked at her. "She made her own choice," I firmly said, as I put my arm around Rose, she stared at me. I sighed and continued to say, "You couldn't save her. She's with her sister now."
Rose nodded, her blue eyes full of water and then a tear rolled down, "I couldn't kill her," Rose choked, "I never meant for any of this."
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and she rested her head on mine, her head in the crook of my neck, tears dripping down. "I'll help you find Emori," Rose whispered. I looked at her, her sad blue eyes. This place was really fucked up. Esmé was what I was to Ontari, to Charles. Fuck. And I heard Raven talking about those experiments. Charles is disgusting. But I guess this world is disgusting.

Rose grabbed my left hand and stared into my eyes, tears in hers, she firmly stated, holding back tears, "I didn't kill her, you have to believe me."
I searched her eyes, she seemed genuine and she was the only person who understood me or tried to, I slowly nodded and said, "I believe you." She then rested her head on my shoulder and tears fell down from her eyes, I put my right arm around her, pulling her close to me, "You're safe now," I whispered into her hair.
Rose shook her head, "We'll never be safe on this Earth."
"You should sleep," I told her, she nodded and she laid down on her side, her legs bent and arm under the pillow. I wrapped my arm around her, as though we were spooning.

Rose quietly whispered, "You never told me about your family."
I thought for a moment and quietly explained, trying to keep my voice stable, "My family loved me, my father died because of me," I swallowed, Rose turned over to face me, I propped myself up with my elbow and continued, my voice hoarse and cracking in places, "I got sick, a really bad flu and my dad stole medicine for me. He got killed for it." A tear rolled down my cheek, Rose hugged me, I continued, "My Mum became a drunken mess and the last thing she said before she died was that it was my fault he died."
"It's not your fault, I'm sorry," Rose apologised as she looked up at me.
"I got arrested for setting fire to the Officer's room that arrested my dad," I half-smiled. I then looked at Rose, "What about yours?"
"My grandfather came from the ground," Rose explained, as she looked at her hands, fiddling with them, "my mum came from space-"
"Space?" I asked and she looked up at me.
She nodded, "My Dad was a cleaner and he smuggled her food and presents in the hospital, said he knew what it was like to be an outsider."
"Wait," I said, "Space? Like from the Arc?" I was confused, nobody came to Earth before us and this was 22years ago.
Rose half-smiled, "She took part in Suicide By Earth and lived. Good thing too, she was only eighteen. I was born when she was twenty-two. I was sent here because of my genes, nothing criminal."

"Are your parents still with us?" I delicately asked.
Rose looked back at her fingers, "My Dad was shot in the head as I left, he exposed where we were going and about where his brother was sent - England - eighteen years ago."
"I'm sorry," I softly said as I pulled her in a hug.
"It's okay," she mumbled, we parted and then she looked at me, "I supposedly have a brother or sister out there too."
"What happened to them?" I asked her.
Rose looked down at her hands, which were intertwined with each other, "Um, well, they were an experiment, to see if your genes - space genes - could correct a mutation-"
"Did it work?" I interrupted.
She shrugged, "I think so. But they took them away, it killed my mum. Her compensation was me... apart from I'm here." Rose then looked at me, "I'll find them, one day."
"You think they're here?" I asked.
Rose nodded, "Of course. If I am, they will be. Mum said the moon will guide me," Rose then smiled at me and said, "goodnight, Murphy," Rose rolled over and I heard her deep breaths.

I looked at the others, Jasper, Monty, Harper and Octavia were well into their game of monopoly, laughing and joking. Clarke was asleep on Bellamy, he was staring at the ceiling. I got up and walked around to the other side of the bed and laid with Rose, essentially spooning. I traced circles on her arms and watched her fall asleep. I laid staring at her. She never took her hoodie off, I wonder what else she knows. She's been through a lot. We all have. It's crazy to think that we're barely eighteen. Octavia is still seventeen. Bellamy is twenty-three. Apart from him, we're all just kids.

We're all just kids.
Sent to die.
Well, we're still alive.
So go float yourself, world.

Author's Notes: I might upload 3 times a week, I've finished writing this story I just need to upload the chapters there's a total of 51 chapters, another 21 to go. I hope you stick around and read. It should be finished just after Season 4 releases. Thanks for reading.

I'll upload Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

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