Chapter 28: Tunnels

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"Where we going?" I grumbled, we'd been walking through the woods for ages, it felt like hours. My torch was almost out, and my mouth dry.
"Almost there," Clara half-snapped, what is it with women being so aggressive? Princess, Raven, Octavia, Ontari, Rose... all of them so bossy and snappy. Emori is the only one that doesn't bite your head off every time you talk... or breathe. And Blonde ones are even more feisty.

Rose remained silent. Clara put her hand up and her finger on her lips. I didn't see any buildings or people in the area, so I rolled my eyes. Clara moved her foot in the ground, scattering the leaves, until we heard a little bang. She bent down and grabbed a metal handle on the floor, she pulled it up, Rose ran to help her hold it up. "We go in here," Clara instructed, and then she looked at me, and half-snapped, "Would you hold this for us?"
I stared at her, and rolled my eyes, "Sure thing, Captain." I walked over and propped the metal hatch open, it was heavier than expected. Clara then lowered herself into the hole, Rose passed her my torch. Rose looked at me, "I know, she can be a bit... intimidating," Rose said to me, giving me a sympathetic smile.
I looked her and smiled, "Replace the word intimidating with bitchy, and then I agree with you."
Rose laughed and then she hopped down. I looked around and found a rock, I lowered myself into the hole, whilst lowering the metal lid, I rested it on the rock so it didn't shut completely.

"Finally," Clara huffed, and she turned around, leading us down a long corridor. It was pitch black, a part from the light from the torch. The floors and walls were made of grey stone, and there was cobwebs and spiders running around. We could hear voices from either side of the walls. "This place needs a clean," I muttered.
"It sure does," Rose agreed, and she flashed me a smile.
"It's a secret passage," Clara stated, "when I disappeared for a week, I wasn't kidnapped or captured, I was exploring all the passages, trying to find one leading to the exit. Once I went to get you, you'd already planned an escape. I met the others before they left."
"Is there an exit?" Rose asked her. We were walking quite quickly to wherever Clara was taking us.
"Not a secret one," Clara sighed, and then she came to a stop.
"Why've we stopped?" I briskly asked.
"Maybe because this is where Maria is," Clara snapped, scowling at me.
"We walking through walls or something?" I half-snapped at her.
Clara walked up to me, centimetres between us, she bitterly said, scowling, "Great plan, Einstein!"
"Calm down, don't get your knickers in a twist," I smirked, rolling my eyes.
Clara pushed me, "I'll fucking kill you, you piece of shit. You don't scare me," Clara then pulled out a handgun from her waistband.
"Clara!" Rose scolded her, and Clara looked at Rose, Rose then strictly said, "Remember you're meant to be showing us Maria, and you touch him, you'll be the one six feet under," Rose then held her hand out, "Give me the gun."
Clara threw Rose the gun, "Step back," Clara sighed, and we joined her, pressed up against the wall the left wall, Rose behind Clara, me behind Rose. Clara put the torch on the floor and then she pushed a rock in the wall. The wall parted in front of Clara, and revealed a metal door. It was tiny and we'd have to crouch to walk through. Clara held up her fingers and counted down from three. On one she opened the door.

We barged in.

The light was bright and stung my eyes, the floor covered in white tiles, the walls were white paint. In front of us was a black sofa facing a TV. To my right was a double bed with white silk covers, wooden bed posts and head boards. There was girl sat on the sofa, she had bright ginger hair that was cut short, in a tousled bob. It wasn't tidy and the rest of her hair, two plaits, was scattered on the floor next to me, on my right, in front of a full length mirror, which had a crack in it. Her eyes were green and her skin was pale, her features identical to Delilah's. She quickly got to her feet and stared at us. First in disbelief and then complete horror.

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