Chapter 40: Rose

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I pressed my body against Maria's door and looked through the small window in it, watching the guards walk up and down, there was only two of them. The furthest one away sat down on a stool and pulled out a breakfast bar as he bit into it and stared into space. The other one came walking the corridor, I pressed the door handle, it was locked, obviously.

I looked around the room, Charles was expecting me, he changed the bedding to represent me, he knew I'd be back. I walked up to the bed and pulled back the covers, making the rose petals fall on the floor. Nothing. I lifted the pillows, and still nothing. I looked to the corner of the room and saw a camera. I walked to the counter and grabbed a vase, which had more roses inside. I emptied it and pushed the right bedside table under the camera. I smashed the camera with the vase. Now he couldn't watch. An alarm sounded and I ran back to the door, pressing against it.

I saw the guard come running. He scanned the door with his key card and pushed it open. I grabbed my bow from behind my back and ran behind him. I pulled my bow against his throat, strangling him. He gasped for air and tried to push me off, but it was too late. I heard the other call out for him. I stood in the corridor and held my bow towards him, arrow aimed at his head. The guard stared at me. He was unarmed.
"Hey, listen-"
"Shut it." I cut him off, he stood with his hands up in surrender, "turn off the alarm," I demanded.
He reached for his radio.
"Tell them to shut it off," I sternly said.
His grey eyes were fearful, he recognised my face and I vaguely recognised his. He reminded me of my trainer and then kidnapper.
"Rose, I know you won't hurt me," he said, trying to be calm, but his voice shook.
"You don't know me," I firmly stated as I aimed an arrow at his leg and fired. He grunted in pain and fell to the floor, clutching it, his face growing pale. I ran up to him, he knelt at my feet, my arrow pressed against his head, "Turn it off."
"You bitch," he grunted. I pulled my string back. He lifted the radio to his mouth and muttered into it, "Turn the alarm off, we have the situation under control, over."
I stared at him and the alarms turned off. I looked at him, "Chuck the radio behind me."
"Do it!" I demanded, pulling the string back further and he did it. I then turned my head away, "I'm sorry," I mumbled as I released the arrow and heard it crack through his skull and heard his body fall to the floor. "May you find home," I mumbled. I then turned and picked up his radio before heading back to Maria's room and grabbing the other guards radio. I walked to the hole and I heard voices I chucked a radio through and turned back around.

* * *

I made my way past the dead guard, dressed in the other guards uniform, my hair in a pony tail, a mask covering my face. I held the key card and scanned it on the door at the end of the corridor. I walked up the stair well, going up four flights of stairs before coming to the door I seeked. I scanned the card and it unlocked. Shit. I heard voices and I hid behind a trolley. I watched two scientists emerge and stand in front of a lift at the end of the corridor. One of them was an old man, his hair missing in the middle and grey, he wore glasses and was quite small. He had wrinkles and dressed in a white lab coat, white trousers, black shoes and a blue shirt with a white tie. Talking to him was a woman wearing white high heels, a blue dress that finished just above the knee and a white lab jacket, her hair was scraped back into a long black ponytail. She had a clipboard in her hands.

"Listen, I think we should get out of here, dad," the women said to the old man.
"Nonsense, Natasha, I told you, if something went wrong, Charles would tell us," the old man said.
Natasha shook her head and leaned in close, "Dad, something bad is happening. The rebels with the explosion yesterday was just the start. I know something is wrong. Not just the rebels and the newcomers escaping."
"You worry too much," the old man said.
"Please come with me," Natasha begged her father, "I don't want to lose you."
"I promise, everything is fine. But, if you want to leave, I won't stop you," the father sighed.
Natasha pulled him into a hug, "I hope you're right," she mumbled as they parted and she turned and headed into a room on the right.

The old man stood and shook his head, facing the windows on the left, which looked out onto the rest of the complex and forest. I looked back at him and he continued to look out at the window, his arms folded, before he sighed and walked into the room his daughter was in. I waited for a few seconds and the whole place was silent. I ran down the corridor, a gun in my waistband, card in my hand. I ran to the elevator and scanned it, but the light flashed red and it was denied. "Come on!" I groaned as I tried to scan it again and again it was denied. I scanned it again and again, but of course it didn't work. I groaned in frustration and kicked the lift doors, creating a large bang.

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