Chapter 18: Whispers

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"Can we trust her?" Bellamy asked. Clarke, Octavia, Bellamy and Jasper were all sat around a table in the middle of our room. Well, Clarke was sat down, Bellamy stood next to her, his arm on her chair. Jasper was stood opposite them and Octavia was leaning against her bunk. They were all discussing Rose. I was listening in to their conversation, looking through the gap between the bathroom door. Rose was in the showers behind me, a curtain separating us. Me and her both said we were going to shower, in different showers, obviously. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing a female body. I pressed my body against the wooden door and stared through the gap, listening in.

"She is one of them." Jasper bitterly said.
"But Murphy's right," Clarke begun to say, her voice calm, she was always the leader, "we thought all the Mountain Men were evil and Maya wasn't."
"You weren't even in the mountain that long," Jasper snapped, "Rose is nothing like-"
"But how do we know that?" Clarke interrupted him.
"Because..." Jasper trailed off, he had no argument, "because she's assigned to us, she's training us. You saw what she did to Murphy."
"Yes. But he said she apologised-"
"Only because he fancies her. And he's not exactly loyal, is he?" Jasper retorted, "I mean he left us, multiple times. He's his own pack. He has no loyalties."
"Apart from to her," Bellamy spoke up, "Clarke's right. We have no idea who she is-"
"Which is why she's dangerous!" Jasper argued.
"She could be the key to getting us out of here," Bellamy calmly stated, "Something bad has clearly happened to her. The way she broke down after firing that gun," Bellamy paused, I could see their faces, it's the way you act after losing someone. When you see their face in front of you. Bellamy continued, "And the way she took out her earpiece and told us all that stuff, it's clear that she's not on their side, who ever they are."
"So, what?" Jasper begun to say, his tone slightly hysterical and clearly pissed off, "we just listen to her? Become her friend? Act like we can trust her? Roll over and become her slave?"
"If she's the key to-"
"What if we tell her our plan to get out," Jasper interrupted Bellamy, "and she tells the higher people and gets us all killed. And what about Raven, Monty and Harper? Do we just forget about them and play happy families with some stranger?"

I suddenly felt something touch me and nearly jumped out my skin, I looked over my shoulder to see Rose standing there. She put her finger to her lips and gestured for me to be quiet. She was in just a white towel, the water still running in the background. Rose came and stood in front of me. The back of her head was pressed against my chest, just underneath my collarbone. Her bum was touching my 'area' and I felt a little excitement with her warmth. Her eyes were peering through the door and I turned my attention back to my fellow people.

"Oh Come on! Octavia, you're with me right?" Jasper exasperated, and he turned to face Octavia, his hand gesturing towards her, his back was towards us. He was stood sidewards.
Octavia guiltily said, "Look, Bellamy might have a-"
"You can't be serious!" Jasper half-shrieked, he was clearly pissed off.
"What if she is the only way of getting out?" Octavia snapped back, clearly annoyed with Jasper's anger.
Clarke calmly spoke, "She knows way more about this place than you or me or any of us. It would benefit us to have someone on our side. She clearly has some hatred towards this place, and she's our only chance of getting out of this place."
"You're all-"
"Jasper," Clarke calmly cut Jasper off, "if you want to see Monty or Harper or Raven again, then we should take a chance on her. I know it's not ideal, but I don't think we can get out here alone."
"Octavia?" Jasper asked, his voice weak and disapproving.
"Look," Octavia began, and she walked over to Jasper, who was now stood with arms folded, Octavia rested her hands on the table, "look," she repeated, "I don't like this either, we all saw what she did Murphy. But I promised Monty we'd stick together, we're The 100. So, if we have to seek help from her, to help us and to keep Murphy onside, then that's what we'll have to do."
Jasper tutted, "I'm going for a walk," Jasper mumbled and then I saw him walk and the door slammed shut.
"Thank you," Bellamy thanked Octavia with a slight nod.
Octavia looked him in the eyes, "I didn't do that for you, I did it for Jasper and Monty. The rest of us." Octavia then walked out of my sight and the door slammed again. Bellamy sat down opposite Clarke.

I then felt movement as Rose turned and walked away, back into the shower curtain. I heard the water shut off and saw the towel fall to the floor underneath the curtain. I was half tempted to look, but I opened the bathroom door and exited.
"Where's Octavia and Jasper?" I asked, Bellamy looked at me, Clarke was looking at her hands.
"Gone for a walk," Bellamy responded briskly.
"Something happened? Seems a bit tense," I smirked, "What is it? Jasper gone to whisk Octavia away? Taking her to a bush or something? Is Big Bro Bellamy not happy about it?" I teased.
"Shut up, Murphy," Bellamy half-snapped with a sigh.
"I can't blame him. Who wouldn't want a piece of that? She's got that beautiful fiery personality, and that welcoming hostility, and have you seen her arse? I bet even Clarke-"
"Enough!" Bellamy shouted, slamming his hand down on the table and standing up.
"Have I hit a nerve?" I smirked, with a sarcastic laugh.
"Just, shut up," Bellamy sighed, "I'm going out," Bellamy looked at Clarke, "you want to come with me?"
"Sure," Clarke nodded, standing up.
"You going to find your own private bush?" I laughed.
"Shut up," Bellamy shook his head and then him and Clarke left.

"Boy, you do know how to clear a room," Rose laughed from behind me, making me jump as I didn't expect her to be there.
I scratched the back of my head and mumbled, "Yeah, it's a talent."

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