Chapter 50: End

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"The Rebels were right. I am stopping this now. No more torture and experiments. No more killing. People of The Lost City, you are free. May you find home," I concluded as I shut the camera off. I shoved my stuff back in the rucksack and threw it on my back, I felt Charles watching me. Shouts came from outside the door, people trying to break it down. Some begging for Charles's blood and some begging for mine.

"So, you're just going to leave?" Charles enquired and I looked at him. "You promised them my life and yet here I am, breathing."
I stood straight, my rucksack on my back, my gun in my belt. I stared at the old man, his eyes still bright and happy. I'm not a killer. Well... not by choice. Could I really kill this man?
"What are you waiting for? This is your last chance." Charles locked eyes with me. "Or are you reconsidering? Considering we both know you forget to tell them some of your knowledge."
Hairs stood on the back of my neck. He knows that I know. Am I as bad as him; Refusing to tell my people my knowledge?

"I can keep you alive, My little wolf," he stated, his eyes burning into me, "We both know that the world is ending. I can save you," he paused, I stood still, listening to him, ignoring the noise from the soldiers outside, "That's what Clara wanted to do."
"Don't talk about her," I muttered, my voice croaky.
"She didn't betray you-"
"She got Melody killed," I coldly stated, "you got Melody killed."
Charles shook his head, "Clara told me about your... plan. I told her I could save you. I was going to take you and Clara and your friends into my bunker. Keep you safe, keep humanity safe for another two-hundred years."
I shook my head, "Bullshit. If that was true, you wouldn't have killed us."
"I like you, my little wolf, I never intended to harm her, to harm Melody."
"Don't talk about her!" I snapped and pulled my gun out, aiming it at his head, "You killed her. You captured me. You kept me locked up whilst doctors shoved needles in me. You killed eleven of my people. You need to pay."

"I didn't know that they took you," Charles admitted, he looked at the floor for a brief second before his eyes met mine again, "You're special, my little wolf. The scientists wanted you. As soon as I found out, your people were already killing my men. I wanted to save-"
"Then why did you kill Esmé and Delilah? Why did you kill Melody?" I half-shouted stepping closer towards him, the gun centimetres away from his forehead.
He shook his head, "I never killed her, my little Wolf-"
"Bullshit!" I screamed and smacked him with the gun, cutting his head, before placing the barrel against his skull.
"You're not going to kill me," he firmly said, his eyes still locked on mine, "And you killed them all. You shot Clara, gave Esmé the gun, you killed those people back at your camp. You. Killed. Your. Songbird."
"Don't call her that!" I roared, jamming the gun harder into his head.
Charles bitterly said, "You lead them all to their deaths. If you had come with me, Melody would still be with us. Melody got shot because of you. You killed her. I just watched. You murdered the only person you loved. And Clara-"
"What about Clara?" I snapped, trying to block his words out from my head.
"You killed your sister." Charles stated.
"Yes! You killed your sister, Clara. You killed your father. You killed your sister. And you dug that knife into Mel-" my gun fired. Blood poured out the hole in his forehead.

"Rose! We've got to go!" The radio crackled in my pocket, Bellamy. I stared at Charles's dead body. I looked to my left and saw a hole in the bookcase. A guard looked at me. "You're dead!" They shouted and I saw the, poke their gun through and they fired, barely missing me. I picked up the radio, "I'm coming." Behind Charles was an axe for fires, I smashed the glass with my gun, grabbed the axe and as the guards burst in the room, I ran towards the window and smashed through the glass with my axe.

I landed on the van, winding myself and digging the axe in the roof. The van whizzed through the streets, almost knocking me off. The van came to a sudden stop. I screamed as I almost fell off, but managed to hook myself on to the bar on top of the van roof with my axe. I heard a gun shot and felt a bullet graze my leg, making me yelp. I pulled out my gun and fired, seconds later a man coughed and I heard him fall.

"Hold your fire!" A voice called from behind me. I rolled over and aimed my gun at a man dressed in black uniform, a helmet covering his face. I heard the van doors open, Bellamy stood on my right, Clarke on my left. I saw Emori and Murphy not far behind Clarke, Raven and Octavia next to Bellamy, the others must be round the back. I saw people in the same uniform as the man in front of me, surrounding us. I held the gun to his head. "Don't shoot!" He surrendered dropping his gun, "We're the rebels."
"Rose?" Bellamy called, waiting instructions.
The rebel lifted off his helmet and I stared. Dark skin and Chocolate brown eyes stared back at me smiling. He had curly hair starting to grow and A little bit of stubble on his face. "Alek?" I gasped as I got to my feet.
He nodded.
"Alek!" I exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug. I felt Bellamy stood next to me, I looked over and saw him aiming his gun.
"Do you know him?" Bellamy asked, still cautious.
I nodded, and happily-sighed, "Know him? He's my second."

I then turned my attention back to Alek, "I thought you were dead."
He shook his head, "No. Ten of us made it," he explained, and then he smiled at me, "Thank you. Our people will be safe at last. Me and Delilah-"
"Delilah?" I interrupted, "You mean she's not dead?"
He nodded, "Yeah, it was tranquilliser. The guard was a rebel and he helped us stage it," he paused and then looked at me, "Thanks for helping us take this place, we're just waiting for orders from our captain."
"Who's that?" I asked him.

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