Chapter 39: Bricks

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We finally made it into the tunnel, Clarke, Raven, Monty and Harper had already headed to the tower as we headed down a dark tunnel, known as a secret passage. Rose came to a stop at the end of the corridor and pressed a brick in, which revealed a door to a white rom, she didn't hesitate as we entered the white room. Bellamy and Murphy waited in the tunnel outside the room. The room was a mess, blood on the floor and a dead body of a black-haired girl in the corner, her grey eyes open with her pupils dilated and clutching a red rose in her right hand, a bullet hole in her skull.

"What happened to her?" I whispered to Octavia as we stood behind the black sofa, watching Rose crouch down next to the dead body and close her eyes as she grabbed the rose.
"Son of a bitch," Rose whispered as she looked towards the bed and sniffed the rose. The bed had wolf-skin bedding on it and rose petals on top of the quilt.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
Rose looked at me, "Charles knows we are here."
"What do you mean?" Octavia blurted out, her tone slightly angry.
Rose looked at her, "Well, he doesn't know that we are here now, but he's expecting us-"
"So what does that mean?" Octavia interrupted.
Rose rolled her eyes and explained, "It means that the guard will be heavy, meaning we will have to break in on the other side of the tunnel, it should be dead with the threat of rebels. But it means that we still have to be careful of guards and no chance of getting uniform for all of us or getting Hagan."
"Okay," Octavia nodded, "So how do we get through there?" Octavia pointed behind us, towards Bellamy and Murphy, who stood listening to us.
"I don't know," Rose shrugged.

Bellamy then cleared his throat and we looked at him, he suggested, "We could get the sofa and smash it into the wall until we find a weak spot."
"Okay," Octavia nodded and then she looked at me as she ran to pick up one end of the sofa, "help me, Jasper."
"Of course," I replied as I lifted the other end. Bellamy and Murphy moved out the way as we charged at the brick wall. We crashed into the wall and nothing happened. We charged again and again and again. Still nothing. Murphy groaned in frustration.
"Move out the way," Rose said and we moved as she stood next to the wall and shone her torch on it. There was no cracks and all the bricks looked the same. She scanned every brick, touching each one but nothing happened. All that existed was moss and cobwebs and the sound of dripping.

"Hey," I spoke, "do you hear the dripping sound? Where's the water coming from? I could do with a drink."
Rose then stood up and kissed me on the cheek, "You're a genius!"
"I am?" I asked surprised as she walked to the left corner of the wall where water was coming out.
"Yes, of course!" Rose gasped as she ran her fingers in the water and knocked against it until she heard a hollow sound. She flipped her knife around, and scratched the cement of the hollow brick, making it turn to sludge. She stood up and kicked the brick several times.
"It's not working," I sighed.
Rose ignored me and continued kicking the brick until eventually it moved inwards. "Help me," she called out to us and I knelt down beside her, my knees getting wet in the water. I slammed the end of my gun into the stone, making it move until it fell through. We both stared into the room and could see various equipment, Rose swallowed hard and then she started pulling at the bricks above us and underneath, trying to make them cave in. Both me and Octavia joined in, until there was a hole big enough to crawl through.

I was the last time enter the room, Bellamy and Murphy were laying Emori down on a table in the centre of the room, it looked like the blood transfusion device in the mountain, but it wasn't the only thing in the room. To my left was a vertices table with chains and restraints, probably to chain experiments to. There was also a table on the left of the vertical one, and it had various needles and scalpels and bottles on it as well as rubber gloves and disinfectants. I looked towards Rose, who was hooking Emori and Murphy to the machine, inserting needles. Bellamy stood against the metal door opposite the hole in the wall, his gun ready.

Octavia stood next to me. "Pretty creepy," Octavia mumbled.
I looked at her, "It's worse than the mountain, all dark and metallic."
"Like something from a horror movie," Octavia muttered.
I stared at Murphy and Emori and watched them close their eyes, Rose had used an anaesthetic that would wear off in about half an hour, she told us.

Rose stood in the middle of the room, she looked at Bellamy, "Guard that door, nobody should be coming through, but they might know we are here. Shoot first ask later," Rose then turned to me, "You guard the hole and make sure you leave in forty minutes, even if I'm not here-"
"Where are you going?" Octavia interrupted.
Rose looked at the hole, "I've got something to take care of," Rose then looked at Octavia, "You guard with Jasper and make sure you give them," she looked at Murphy and Emori, "water as soon as they wake up." She then put her hand on Emori's forehead, "she feels cooler. It's working," she sighed with relief. Before coming to the hole and sliding through it. She looked at us through the hole, I stared back at her.
"Good luck, Clarke can get you out without me," Rose told me and then she disappeared.

Author's Notes: I'm sorry for the random uploads, the reads have been dying down a bit so I wanted to wait until the story gained a few more reads before uploading. Thanks for reading my story, have a good day!

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