Chapter 29: Reunited

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We were all gathered around the fire, the sun was coming up. They'd been gone a couple hours at least. We were starting to get worried, just staring at the forest, where they'd left. We heard footsteps and stood attentively.
"The wanderers return!" Monty called out as he came into view, Jasper ran up to him and pulled him into a hug.
"Monty! I've missed you so much!" Jasper exclaimed.
"He is my boyfriend, y'know," Harper laughed and they separated, Jasper pulled her into a hug as well.

I then saw Raven coming into view, she had a rucksack on her back, me and Bellamy ran over. "What's in there?" I asked her.
"Nice to see you too, Princess," Raven laughed, and then she took the rucksack off and dumped it in the floor she opened it and inside was guns, "One for each of us, plus two hundred rounds each. There's also a knife each in that girl's bag."
Bellamy looked at the forest, "Where is Murphy and Rose?"
Raven looked behind her, and then she casually said, "I don't know, I think some shit went down with that Maria chick, the red head was silent all the way here along with Murphy."
Bellamy sarcastically said, "Makes a change Murphy being silent."
I then looked at Raven, "Where is Clara?"
Raven shrugged, "She's with Murphy and Rose," she then looked behind us, towards the fire. Jasper, Monty and Harper were all laughing and joking about something, Octavia was sat smiling, opposite them. "They're happy to see each other," Raven mumbled.
I then looked at Raven, "Did you find anything out about this Place? Clara said you were researching-"
Raven held her hands up, "Only been here a minute and we already discussing work, you should have a breather."
I shook my head, "No, we've had enough time to ourselves. We need to get out here."
Raven sighed, "Alright, well this place is even worse than the mountain. They've been experimenting with rads, finding how to cure mutations but also cause them. Charles believes that you could modify the genes of someone using rads to give them heightened senses-"
"Like super powers?" Bellamy interrupted.
"Exactly like that," Raven nodded, and then she came close and whispered, "these people don't even know grounders exist. They think we're from the plane."
"Who do they use for the experiments?" I asked, I was afraid it'd be exactly like the mountain.
Raven shook her head, "They use everyone. They have no limits, grounders, their own people, but they used a lot of Clara's people. Those that are dead aren't dead, they're locked away."
Bellamy looked at me, and then he looked at Raven, "Does Rose know this?"
Raven looked at us, "Clara is the only one that knows. The only person who is actually dead is this chick called Melody, apparently her girlfriend-"
"Hey," Murphy interrupted, Rose standing next to him, Raven fell silent.

Murphy dumped a rucksack on the floor and he unzipped it, "I got some stuff for you ladies," his tone was slightly disgusted, "y'know, for when Mother Nature pays you a visit..."
"And there's food in there," Rose told us, "And also some protection. Just what Murphy said about you and Bellamy got me thinking."
I blushed, "Um, me and Bellamy aren't a thing-"
"Yeah, well," Murphy cut me off, "Monty and Harper are. And we don't want any children running around this shithole."
"So what's the plan?" Bellamy asked, changing topic.
Rose stared at us, "Um, well, firstly we need to remove your trackers," Rose stated. Me and Bellamy looked at her.
"Trackers?" I repeated,
Rose sighed and then explained "Yeah, well, the reason the guards haven't come to kill us yet, is because you guys still have your trackers, this means they know where you are and also can kill you at any moment."
I nodded, "Where are they?"
Rose took off her rucksack and opened it, "The trackers, are at the back of your neck. I've got needles and thread and alcohol... a shit ton of alcohol," Rose then grabbed a stick and drew a circle in the ground and drew numbers. She stuck the stick in the ground, she then looked at me, "We have three hours from removing the trackers, before they'll come looking. East is over there," Rose said as she pointed to her right, "West is that way," Rose pointed to her left, "We will be heading North-West, I know a place. I'll help you get the trackers out. I learnt medical at school."
I nodded at her. Bellamy called the others to come over and we explained the plan and the situation.

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