Chapter 6: Captured

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They caught us. Running through the forest. Me and Emori after we escaped the city. She's the only person that has ever understood me and we had to get out. Everything had turned to shit, Clarke babbling about the world ending because some imaginary person called Allie had told her. I hated seeing Emori with her brain taken over, but I got her back and I won't let her go.

I was knelt down on the ground smearing animal blood and mud on my face, Emori was still asleep in our cave. I wanted to impress her, steal something nice. I heard footsteps and then I heard her voice, "You can never do that without me," I looked up at her to see her smiling. And I smiled too, she's my universe. The only person that doesn't hate me. I stood up and kissed her lips, putting my hands on her hips and pulling her closer. I knew she was special since the day we met in the desert. I took her hands, she still covered it up, I smiled at her and said, "I've told you, you don't need to cover it up. I think it's bad ass!"
She shook her head and smiled, pressing her nose against mine, "You're a liar."
"I'm not, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," I pushed a piece of loose hair out of her face. She then grabbed my hands and led us off the path. I gently pushed her against a tree and began to kiss her, soft and gently. She gently pushed me backwards until I had my back against a tree. She then walked away, smiling at me, sexily. And then she took off running. "C'mon!" I playfully shouted and began running after her.

As I continued running, I knew there was something wrong. She would've stopped by now. I stood still, listening. I heard her scream. "Emori!" I called out. And began running after her. Men had picked her up and were carrying her to a vehicle, she stabbed one of them and was chucked on the floor, I ran up to them and pulled out my knife, I sliced one of them and pulled Emori to her feet, we stood back to back, the men looking at us. One of them dead on the floor, the other had blood running down their arm. "Stay back," I barked.
"We don't want to hurt you," one of them said, "but you need to come with us," he held out his hand.
"Not a chance," I growled and aimed my knife. There was five men alive, we couldn't take them all. Fight or flee.
"Just come with us," the man with blood down his arm repeated.
"Stay back!" I shouted and swiped with my knife, cutting another man. I couldn't let them take us.
"Just calm down," he ordered.
"Leave us alone," I snarled. I grabbed Emori's hand.
"You either get in the van now or we make you."
"No!" I shouted and I lunged forward, stabbing the man in front and it all happened too fast. A gun came out and it shot Emori, she collapsed immediately. I blinked and then pain surged through me, I looked down and saw a dart in my leg and soon everything was black.

* * *

Bright light appeared as I slowly opened my eyes. I was laid on a bed, surrounded by white walls and then a guard entered my room, before I could react, two guards had my arms and heaved me up. "Where's Emori?" I demanded, my voice quiet from the sleeping drugs.
"Be quiet and calm, you are safe now," a woman said, appearing in front of me. She was in a doctors outfit, white lab coat, white skirt, light blue shirt, white heels and glasses, her skin was olive and her bright orange hair was in a straight ponytail, her green eyes sparkling.
"Where's Emori?!" I shouted.
The girl looked at me and calmly said, "Your friend is sleeping. Now, please remain calm, John."
"How do you know my name?" I responded, anger in my tone.
The girl, who looked the same age as me, said in a soothing voice, "Just relax, my name is Delilah, this is the Survivors Guild."
I resisted against the men and tried to kick out with my legs, but they held me tight. "Where are we going?" I spat.
"Somewhere." Delilah sharply responded.
"Let me Go!" I shouted again, resisting.
Delilah scolded me, "Stop being so difficult, we're nearly here."
"I don't care if I live or die, just kill me," I flatly said.
Delilah tutted and rolled her eyes, her voice was then sympathetic, "We all know that's a lie or you wouldn't be fighting so hard. You're safe now, calm down."
"Where's Emori?" I asked, more calm this time, playing along with game. We'd been walking down corridor after corridor, they all had white walls and blue tiled floor, much like a hospital before the nukes. The Arc showed us pictures.
Delilah looked ahead at the corridor and then glanced at me, she tried to reassure me, "She's safe, as will you be. We're almost here."

I stopped trying to escape and I let them carry me throughout the maze. If they killed me, fine. I wouldn't give them the pleasure of seeing me this angry. We were walking along when we came to a halt. We stood their whilst Delilah spoke to a man, apparently his name was Robert. They were talking about other people and that the room was prepped for routine checks. I was stood up, the guards grip had loosened up a bit. We were just waiting and waiting. When suddenly I saw her. Emori. Being carried by men, she was still sleeping. I elbowed one of the guards in the stomach and shouted "Emori!" She didn't wake up. The other guard grabbed me. I shoved against them, "Let me go! Let me Go! Let me see her! Get off!" I roared, trying to break free, wrestling the guards but there grip was too tight and the door of the room had opened, I struggled to break free, but I failed. "Let me go! Let me see her!" I called out again, but the guards had forced me into the room and slammed my back against a chair. I still kept shouting and trying to force against them, but they held me tight and suddenly metal bars caged me to the chair.

Author's Notes: Originally, I had Murphy and Ontari together, but that's not true. He loves Emori not Ontari. She's the only person he actually loves. Two thieves together.

And also Ontari raped Murphy and kept him as her sex slave which is just plain disgusting and wrong.

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