Chapter 9: Mist

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I was in a mist, a white mist surrounded by darkness. Walking endlessly on my own. Everything felt peaceful and calm, I even saw the blue glowing butterflies flying around, it looked beautiful. I looked up and could see stars and in front of me was a forest, lit by the butterflies and a lake in front of me. But I was not alone. A figure awaited me in the water, she was not looking at me, but she knew I was here. I took off my top and bottoms, then unhooked my bra and slid off my panties. I was naked, but the forest felt warm. I dipped my toe in the warm, clear blue water and gently glided over to the person waiting for me. The beautiful person looked at me and embraced me, she was with no battle paint and her green eyes full of life. Her skin was soft and warm, how I remembered it from the final time we frolicked in her bed at her headquarters.

I missed her, but I was with her now, everything seemed so real. "I love you," I mumbled to her.
"Shhh," she whispered to me as she put her hand on my cheek and the other on around my back, pulling me closer. I left mine at my sides. Then I slowly brought a finger up and wiped a spot of water off her cheek.
"Lexa, I-"
"Don't talk, Clarke, I want this moment to be special."
"I know, but I've missed you so much," I sadly told her, tears in my eyes, staring into hers.
"I know, I've missed you too," Lexa softly said, then she gently kissed me on my lips. My arms were now around her waist. A perfect embrace. She grabbed my hand and gestured for me to be quiet as she lead us out of the water, across the soft grass and into a cabin.

The cabin had a small fire and a bed. Lexa pulled me towards the bed, she pushed me gently onto it and hovered above me, kissing me gently. Lexa then laid down next to me, so we were facing each other. I grabbed a strand of her hair and began to play with it, Lexa smiled, she's so beautiful. I looked down at the hair. It kills me inside, I know this isn't real. I know this is a dream, but I miss her. And that's when a tear fell down. Lexa gently wiped it away.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, sitting up.
"Don't be," she replied, as she sat up with me, pulling me Into a hug and wiping my tears. Through the window I could see the sun rising.
"I don't want to leave," I sobbed, wiping away my tears.
"Clarke, you know you can't stay here-"
"But I want you with me."
"I know," Lexa responded as she grabbed my hands, "But you can't stay here, you have a life out there, with Bellamy."
"Bellamy?" I repeated, confused.
"Yes, Bellamy, you know you love him, he cares for you-"
"I love you, Lexa," I numbly responded, still staring at her beautiful face as the tears rolled down. I knew what she was about to say and I looked towards the window, the light seeping in. The forest fading.
"But, I'm not there. I'm only in your heart, I'll always be with you. But you need to move on," Lexa firmly told me and she stood up.
"I don't want to leave-"
"You have to," Lexa softly instructed, pulling me off the bed. She took my hand and guided me to the door, "goodbye, Clarke," Lexa said, she kissed me one last time, and then whispered in my ear, "May we meet again." And then she was gone. The cabin gone. The lake gone. The butterflies gone. The forest gone. Everything replaced with bright white light and voices.

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